This has been one of my worst days in quite awhile. Got up at 6 to pouring down rain and a young puppy that didn't want to go out in the rain, so I got to stand outside, in the dark, getting soaking wet while forcing her to potty outside.
Once it got daylight, I saw where one of my Goldens had loose stools (outside) and since it is raining, that makes it impossible to poop scoop, so now I'm in the rain throwing straw which of course sticks to me.
Got the dogs out of the way and started on canning deer meat, and well, I already bitched about how that went with breaking the jar, etc.
So I decided to allow the dogs to potty and play awhile before I went back to canning, and the 4 month old pup smacked into my pinky finger and I'm 95% sure she broke it at the last knuckle. I've had a broken toe before and the pain and the funny bruising is the same.
Got back to canning and did get 7 jars canned with a throbbing finger. Once that was done, I made a cardboard, gauze and scotch tape splint for my finger and it is feeling calmer from not being able to move.
Unfortunately, I have to can another batch of deer meat tomorrow as I'm not going to waste the meat, but I'll have to take the splint off since it will be in my way.
The best part of my day is that it is over! rotflmao :smiley_blackeye: :tantrum: