Ive bumped a herd of does then had them walk by my stand later a number of times.
I'd rather blow a deer out then bump a turkey off a roast. It happens.
What is the suggestion for the opposite scenario, when you're in the tree stand and there are deer in front of you and it gets dark?
Howl like a yote or bark like dog. Usually doesnt take long. In mornings I'll snort back at them and if im close to stand , kinda skip and sound like another deer
Carry a flashlight. Shine it in their face and walk right by them.
Carry a flashlight. Shine it in their face and walk right by them.
I still think you're crazy about this. I should know better than to call you crazy; but I think you're crazy!
Ask Joe. Any coonhunter will tell you deer are stupid, and they are when you shine a light in their eyes. The other option would be for you to shine a light in a deer's eyes and walk up to it...they will let you.
Ask Joe. Any coonhunter will tell you deer are stupid, and they are when you shine a light in their eyes. The other option would be for you to shine a light in a deer's eyes and walk up to it...they will let you.