I sometimes think its actually more of a social issue than a racial one. the division of the classes in America today is whats actually getting worse. The "Upper" class is characterized by the rich white guy in the back of a limo. Making deals that screw other people out of their savings, and their jobs. that may or may not be accurate, but to the lower classes thats how it looks.
The "lower" class is characterized by the inner city black man. Addicted to drugs and alchohol, living on welfare, a product of domestic violence and broken homes. Again, this might not be the real story but if thats what you are raised to believe you are, that's what you're gonna be. The middle class is just that, a mixture of races and beliefs that form the grey area between the two.
The media plays right into all of this as well. When the bullshit started in 08 with the mortgage crisis, did you see any black executives on the news? When you hear about a violent crime in the city, how often is it a black male that commited it.
Like I said before, I try not to be racist, but if a young man doesnt even want to try to be better than the stereotype hes been placed in, and resigns himself to a life of drugs, violence, crime and handouts, simply because that is what society tells him he is supposed to do, then rgardless of color, I can show no respect.