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Touchy Topic


*Supporting Member*
I was on FB today and was reading posts on one of Ted Nugents image postings.

Anyways I was shocked at what I saw as far as Racist comments.

It seems to me like this country is heading into a very dangerous direction (backwards) as far as race goes? Without getting personnel opinions. Have you all noticed this too?


Tatonka guide.
I was on FB today and was reading posts on one of Ted Nugents image postings.

Anyways I was shocked at what I saw as far as Racist comments.

It seems to me like this country is heading into a very dangerous direction (backwards) as far as race goes? Without getting personnel opinions. Have you all noticed this too?

As you age you will find that your negative experiences appear to be overwhelming at times. This is the threat detection mode we naturally have within ourselves that keeps us from harm. You subconsiously over react to the negative stimulus as a means of protection. We as a society undervalue normal and good behaviour. Its shown in everything from welfare(both rich and poor) to our tax laws. We have naturally tried to ward off all responsibilty for our actions and that starts from our president and congress on down to the bum on the streets. It may appear that there is a lot of evil and hatred around but its still the same 15 to 20 percent acting out...with our population growing it just seems there are more of them but there are not percentage wise

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Take a listen to the black caucus in Congress and you'll find out where it's coming from.

Or the Attorney General.

or NBC.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well said Milo. We are also in an instant world with tons of information at our fingertips. There are yo-yos out there babbling jibberish on the internet who used to just mutter it under their breath. Many have an instantaneous voice and unidentifiable face on the internet to spew their hatred. The www is a great thing, but it is also a platform for the ignorant to stand on and rant.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
While I agree with milo, I also believe it is getting far worse also. I believe that pushing the rave issue for so many years it has had unintended consequences. Such as large groups of people with entitlements believing they're owed them and the other paying for them. By creating protected classes of people we have driven a wedge between them. The problem we now face is these entitlements are unsustainable. Yet removing them would cause great civil unrest due to the mentality we have created. Damned. If you do damned if you don't. It will eventually come to a head just as it has in almost every other country that is racially diverse. The darkest days of our race issues are ahead. Not behind. And do not be fooled. I am a firm believer that there are far more racist blacks than there are whites as a percentage if the group. Just one is acceptable and swept under the rug, and the other is called being a racist.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I am a firm believer that there are far more racist blacks than there are whites as a percentage if the group. Just one is acceptable and swept under the rug, and the other is called being a racist.

Yup. I never used to consider myself racist. For the most part, I still don't. But I have to admit, after 43 years of seeing how things are in thiscountry, paying my taxes so the welfare state can have it easy, and then being treaded like the white devil for it. I have to say what the fugg is wrong with you people? I'm not singling out any racial minority either. I live in a town with almost no blacks, yet I see more and more white, welfare, food stamp suckin, pants around their asses, ghetto talkin wanna be gangsters every day. Its not as much a racial issue as it is an entitlement issue. Just so happens the majority of the social leeches are black.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
There are good blacks and good whites and bad blacks and bad whites. I think it is getting worse and agree that things will come to a head sooner than later. Know like minded people for when the time comes.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
The internet lets people be more rude then many would ever be face to face. As far as race goes, it has become a tool of the left to attack the right.


*Supporting Member*
While I agree with milo, I also believe it is getting far worse also. I believe that pushing the rave issue for so many years it has had unintended consequences. Such as large groups of people with entitlements believing they're owed them and the other paying for them. By creating protected classes of people we have driven a wedge between them. The problem we now face is these entitlements are unsustainable. Yet removing them would cause great civil unrest due to the mentality we have created. Damned. If you do damned if you don't. It will eventually come to a head just as it has in almost every other country that is racially diverse. The darkest days of our race issues are ahead. Not behind. And do not be fooled. I am a firm believer that there are far more racist blacks than there are whites as a percentage if the group. Just one is acceptable and swept under the rug, and the other is called being a racist.

Unfortunately, I agree with this.


Staff member
The most racist people I've ever been around we're black. As I age and see how they act as a culture and how their King favors them, the less tolerance I have. Like Mike said, there are good blacks and bad, same with whites and all other races. I have black friends who are simply great people. But I also saw how "big city blacks" treat white people when I was at OU. I got no use for people like that regardless of skin color...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I have to agree with Joe.

In my job I have been in the houses of all races and classes. Million dollar homes to the welfare ridden apartment complexes and races of all kinds can be found at either end of this spectrum. I am not black and don't know if this works in reverse or not but I can tell in the majority of the low end black homes they are uncomfortable with me as a white man being in their house. I have yet had anybody verbally or physically attack me but I can see it in their expressions at times that they want to say something but they don't. Now, put that same person on the internet and words will flow with ease with no filters.
I typically get along with just about everybody but in my line of work I can say that I have had more nasty looks and noses raised in the air by blacks then any other race. The raised noses don't want to look at me and will not talk to me when I ask them a question. They just want me in to fix the problem and get the hell out of their house.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Of course their not going to be rude to you, if they where they wouldn't get their cable.

Yes they would. Go look at any of the apartment buildings on King St. Every box is broken open and people are illegally connected all the time. Disconnect them and slap a new padlock on the box and before you get to the corner they are right back out there breaking the padlock and hooking it back up. Same thing On Cook Rd apartments. If they want it they will get it regardless. It's the ones that think they should have it and it should be perfect that will sit there not saying a word until after you leave. Self entitlement is huge. They could just pay the guy down the block $20 to hook them up but if they actually PAY a bill and have services they want it flawless. Never mind the fact their are people sleeping all over the house/apartment, stuff is flung here and there, dude standing in the kitchen smokin a blunt while I am there....nope. better be a perfect picture and work flawless because they are actually paying the bill. One small blip and they are calling back in.

I know you have seen this. How many times have you walked in and seen the shoes and clothes they have? All brand new name brand stuff and not a mark on any of it. Look around the house/apartment and it is a trash hole. Government pays the housing so they don't give a rats ass but when they actually PAY for something like those clothes and shoes. FLAWLESS.

I could go on all day about the crap I see everyday lol. We should share some of our good stories at strouds lol.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I sometimes think its actually more of a social issue than a racial one. the division of the classes in America today is whats actually getting worse. The "Upper" class is characterized by the rich white guy in the back of a limo. Making deals that screw other people out of their savings, and their jobs. that may or may not be accurate, but to the lower classes thats how it looks.
The "lower" class is characterized by the inner city black man. Addicted to drugs and alchohol, living on welfare, a product of domestic violence and broken homes. Again, this might not be the real story but if thats what you are raised to believe you are, that's what you're gonna be. The middle class is just that, a mixture of races and beliefs that form the grey area between the two.

The media plays right into all of this as well. When the bullshit started in 08 with the mortgage crisis, did you see any black executives on the news? When you hear about a violent crime in the city, how often is it a black male that commited it.

Like I said before, I try not to be racist, but if a young man doesnt even want to try to be better than the stereotype hes been placed in, and resigns himself to a life of drugs, violence, crime and handouts, simply because that is what society tells him he is supposed to do, then rgardless of color, I can show no respect.