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Team 6 - Buck DieNasty


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Well, I went to the farm today. Put out about 50 lbs of apples and two cameras. I put up my ground blind and brushed it in. It's in a great place for early season. I have had one shooter show up multiple times. A nine point that's on my list of shooters.
I smoked up all of my hunting clothes this morning as well. I usually don't get to excited this early in the season. I limit my hunting to just afternoon and evenings. I will be in the blind about 2:30 next Saturday afternoon. Good luck to my team members.
I put up a ground blind today

As they logged out the woods next to me
Taking every tree 16" and larger

SO stand trees are just a few

I cut a hole in the corn field for the blind

And cut off the stalks in the first row just under the windows
Brushed in the blind with cut corn stalks

Now the blind blends in great
With a lot of rain this afternoon and me smoking the inside

I just have to wait for the right wind

OH I forgot to add 3 main trails and 2 side trails are all in bow range
There are 3 nice white oak trees 14" and several 8-12" White oaks also close

So maybe one of the 2 decent bucks will show


JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
I'm pretty much ready. Got a few stands up, I think 9. Cams have been up all summer but still don't have a shooter on cam. They're around but just not where I'm at yet. The good time usually starts about the 25th of oct so if I get one before then it'll be a miracle...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck Dienasties. Hope the corn blind works out for you John. Ron- try not to stroke out before the season gets here. You are pumped for sure. JD- Eh, they will show. Good luck to HunterII. Kansas? Nice! Schu- Try not to get any blood on your mom's driveway if you are shooting them in her front yard this year. lol (I think it was you with the pictures of deer wandering thru front yard Christmas lights last year. If not, sorry.)
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Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Hey thanks, Phil. I hope your season goes better than last years! Lol. Joking, buddy.
Seriously though, have a great and successful season your self. This warm weather in the forecast, has me out of the mood! Good days are sure to come. I will go with my gut or until Brock gives me the green light on a specific day! Lol


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Is any of my team-mates going out this weekend? Does any of you have the knowledge of how to create an avatar for us, like some of the other teams have done? Good luck TOO who ever goes out this weekend. I might go Saturday evening. Weather permitting.
I will be hunting the afternoons this weekend

I plan on watching the apple pile and a creek crossing

But if I have a East wind
I will have to use another treestand and only be able to watch the apple pile

As such
A meat doe will probely be the most likely deer I will see

As for a avatar
I am no where even close to being able to make one


JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Ron, I won't be getting out till maybe sunday afternoon. My oldest turns 11 sat and shr has our whole day planned. She wants to leave at 8 and eat at bob evans then spend the rest of the day at Easton...lol


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Ron, I won't be getting out till maybe sunday afternoon. My oldest turns 11 sat and shr has our whole day planned. She wants to leave at 8 and eat at bob evans then spend the rest of the day at Easton...lol
Awesome! If that's what the girl wants, that's what she GETS. There's plenty of better days ahead! Have a great time with her.


Well-Known Member
Don't think I'll be out this weekend. I usually don't hunt that much until late October. Did not have much on camera after the first check, but that is typical for that spot. Don't typically start having bucks show up until a little later.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Well I guess I'm gonna get to go after all. They turned it into an all girl get together so I'm free to do whatever tomorrow...lol
I went out this morning

A doe and her 2 little ones came past me about 25 yds

But I passed
As I could here something in the corn

But whatever it was , it kept going

So I watched the birds till 10:30 and came home

Oh well
It was good to get out


JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
I'm heading back out in a little while. Didn't hunt last night but got a stand hung in a new spot. This will be a killer spot guaranteed but I just need to be there when the right one comes through.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I'm heading back out in a little while. Didn't hunt last night but got a stand hung in a new spot. This will be a killer spot guaranteed but I just need to be there when the right one comes through.
Good luck, JD.
Sounds like a good hunt, John. At least you has some movement and a shot opportunity.

I didn't make it out this weekend. Just too much going on, and the weather is to mild for me.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
We saw 8 bucks and 6 doe. Never got any closer than 100 yards. The bucks were all together??? Strange... Biggest was a 150 ten with a flyer off his G2...