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Gun week total is down 8%


Senior Member
I hope it doesnt also! that would be terrible! Hey Im just trying to help you figure out your dilemma! As for my buddy and I, the only shift in our deer is gonigto be on our properties! Id say our deer numbers on our spots double, if not triple after gun season!:smiley_champ:


Senior Member
Are you suggesting deer migrate away from food plots and corn/protein feeders and into the 10+ miles of surrounding hardwoods that had zero mast crop and only green brier for browse? I wish i could have found that one uncut field 10 miles away they migrated to and now live in.. I bet they are stacked in there like ants.. Maybe that's the field Tonk saw when estimating the population.. 20 square miles of deer packed into a mile wide valley of cut AG fields surrounded on both sides by hills..

Maybe there is something better in that 10+ square miles. Does anyone esle on the neighboring properties allow no hunting?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH

= very little :smiley_deer: left

I worked very hard on this and I am contemplating sending it in to the DNR. It was really elaborate but I was only allowed ten images. It looked like something the Mayans had left on walls.

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Senior Member

= very little :smiley_deer: left

I worked very hard on this and I am contemplating sending it in to the DNR. It was really elaborate but I was only allowed ten images. It looked like something the Mayans had left on walls.


hahaha. oh my, thats good right there!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Are you suggesting deer migrate away from food plots and corn/protein feeders and into the 10+ miles of surrounding hardwoods that had zero mast crop and only green brier for browse? I wish i could have found that one uncut field 10 miles away they migrated to and now live in.. I bet they are stacked in there like ants.. Maybe that's the field Tonk saw when estimating the population.. 20 square miles of deer packed into a mile wide valley of cut AG fields surrounded on both sides by hills..


Jess sayin...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This debate is obviously going nowhere fast. I'll just keep all this in the back of my mind and see how the next couple years play out. If numbers continue to fall, then maybe I'll change my mind... if not, well then that's even better for everyone.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
And they say there is no purpose for a sub machine gun in hunting....pfft. That would be a very "sporting" rifle in that situation.


I'm sure the farmer would be very unhappy with you shooting his livestock.. Here are the other pictures... "Just saying"


Check out this one eating a Pizza... Maybe that's it!!! The secret no pro hunter will tell you about... Bait with Pizza.. :smiley_depressive:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
While we're on the subjuect of BS, where are you getting your numbers from? Here's the VC harvest totals from 2005 through 2009 -- 2946, 3420, 3025, 3337, 3942.


Are these numbers correct.......I've been waiting all day for your response?????:smiley_chinrub:


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
It gives people 2 more methods for recording their harvest. Why is that not a good idea?

You might have heard this ;) , but for arguments sake :D

There's gonna be two sides to this argument. (Tele-Check = positive/negative impact.) People tend to be lazy these days, myself included. I don't always drive 55, do you? Those of us that respect the laws and the importance of our role in the entire process, will continue to do so. But people who could care less about any of that, now have an easier way to exploit the process IMO. I loved the nostalgic aspect of going to the check station, or to buy my license and tags. Now it's a phone call and the Internet. I like the old process and hate change. And to top it off, I think it's an easier process to exploit and is therefor bound for exploitation. Only time and the numbers will tell, and I hope like hell I'm wrong. I'll uphold my end of the bargain, that's all I know at this point...

I just think depersonalizing the process will offend the rural community. I live in a different type or environment than most on here. Appalachia is it's own breed and this is where deer numbers are skewed, down, whatever you want to call it. A contributing factor to this is poaching and deer that never see a check station. It's also far more prevalent, and even accepted practice around these parts to commit game violations. By taking the "old school" out of the process and make it a "new aged thing", I think you virtually encourage violations from country folk. I have my ear to the ground around here and I have a bad feeling about this. Again, I hope I'm wrong.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I think you know my thoughts...

If a hunter goes out back, shoots a deer and drags it back to the house I think they are more likely to pick up a phone or log onto the web than to drive across county to a check station. If society is indeed lazy (which I think it is), are hunters more likely to call it in or drive out of their way? Phone and email add convienence.

If it is early season when temps are warmer I would want to get the deer home, skinned, quartered and in a fridge...not waste time driving aorund to an open check station. I think this example is especially true from an evening hunt when check stations may be closed by the time you get your deer out. I think those deer will go un-checked today because who is going to want to chance the meat spoiling to wait till the next morning to check it in? With tele-check, you get the deer out of the woods late at night, get home, call it in/log on to the web and get processing.

So now that I have voiced my opinion on tele-check I will say it now...I agree to disagree on this one:smiley_bril:.

I think we all pray it works out.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Are these numbers correct.......I've been waiting all day for your response?????:smiley_chinrub:

Sorry didn't see it until now.... Looking them up they appear to be correct. So I need to go figure where I fugged up..

I figured out where i fugged my numbers... I accidentally compared total numbers of 2006 to gun numbers of 2009

2006-2007 --3,420
2009 --1,829

So Yes.. My math was fucked. Vinton Is actually killing +25% more deer last year than 2005..

Couple Questions?
Does this mean we have more deer? Or simply that we're killing more deer?

Is it possible to have less deer, and kill more deer?

How about if i double the tags? Can we have less deer, and still kill more deer?

How about if i add a weekend of gun.. Can we have less deer, and still kill more deer?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Could mean more of your hillbilly neighbors are tagging their deer.

Could... Are you saying jimbo that has shot 6 deer a year since he was a kid, is now spending the extra 45 bucks a year on antlerless tags in an effort to get away with something he's goten away with forever?


*Supporting member*
Sorry didn't see it until now.... Looking them up they appear to be correct. So I need to go figure where I fugged up..

I figured out where i fugged my numbers... I accidentally compared total numbers of 2006 to gun numbers of 2009

2006-2007 --3,420
2009 --1,829

So Yes.. My math was fucked. Vinton Is actually killing +25% more deer last year than 2005..

So where did you fugg up here?

Harvest numbers in VC have gone down between 7 and 15% a year for 5 years..


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So where did you fugg up here?

Obviously I was extrapolating the time line. It's illogical to assume it dropped 50% in one year when comparing a time span....

You forgot to copy the questions at the end btw... Can you answer them?
BTW.. Ask Tonk if he can provide the data for individuals filling 4+ tags in VC, and harvest totals for bonus gun..

Couple Questions?
Does this mean we have more deer? Or simply that we're killing more deer?

Is it possible to have less deer, and kill more deer?

How about if i double the tags? Can we have less deer, and still kill more deer?

How about if i add a weekend of gun.. Can we have less deer, and still kill more deer?