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Chased some bunnies today


Junior Member
I was out just running the dogs the other day. They jumped a rabbit out of swamp rose thicket in the creek bottom. From there the rabbit ran out of the creek bottom and into an adjacent woodlot where it made a big circle. I caught a video clip of the rabbit as it left the woodlot and ran back to the creek bottom where the chase began and then the dogs working the track afterward.


I have a youth hunter coming Sunday, but I'm going to try and run the dogs for a bit close to the house on Saturday. They are all rested up from last weekend and starting to get in trouble in the house again. LOL!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Great footage Bluedog!!!! Love the hounds working it.....

OhioSam and I made it out too the orchard too chase some bunnies today.... We had some very long runs and in areas where it was really thick Sam managed a great shot on one that was in overdrive going from the orchard too the thicket leading into a holler..... Sam thought he shot behind but I thought I saw it flip and when we walked over and after we got our bearings it was laying there just inside the tree line..... Great shot and he dogs made a good follow up too it.....

We had 4-5 runs with a couple being really short with no shots offered but once we made a thicket above an area called the landing strip it was game on and we had a couple of really long runs that yielded no shots this place is made too hunt with a dusting of snow otherwise it's really difficult too see anything going by....

But we had a good day dogs got exercise we got some exercise and a rabbit was taken as well lol.... Good conversations and running beagles and it don't get a whole lot better than that!!!!!

Hopefully after gun season this will be picking up some lol....


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Good thing I had a hunting guide or I might not have recovered that bunny. :smiley_blackeye: He's a nice old buck, ears were all torn up.

First time I've been out with the 2 new dogs, they did good. I think Candy likes me, she kept close to me. We walked through a lot of good cover that should have held bunnies but they were all close to the orchard (food).



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Was wondering if you were going too post up the weapon of choice lol... That's one fine side by side.... It's a .410 is the added bonus lol...


Junior Member
But we had a good day dogs got exercise we got some exercise and a rabbit was taken as well lol.... Good conversations and running beagles and it don't get a whole lot better than that!!!!!

Truer words ....................
It's about time I got to read some rabbit running tales over here. LOL! (I do know what you mean though about picking up after gun season. For me too.)

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I just had to decline an invitation for me and Mason to attend a pheasant hunt tomorrow morning. Horrible thing to have to do. Unfortunately, we have to have 50 xl pies to one of the local factories at 10:00 am. This retirement gig is getting in the way of bird and bunny hunting! My beagles have been running their tales off right around our house the last couple of weeks and I'm quite certain they are ready to go!

Good luck to those of you getting out, and keep the great pictures and stories coming!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I picked up one more this afternoon. The older i get the more i need me one of those beagles lol!!! I love to hunt the snow but just cant wait for it!!!! My lab loves to hunt rabbits but shes not built for itLOL!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Woke up this morning with the intent of going out but on e I saw the temps/wind chill I stayed in finished up laundry did some dishes little light housekeeping let the wife sleep in.....

About 11 I look at the temps again and said hell with it I'm going....

Got dressed and grabbed my gear kissed he wife on off I went.... Picked up the hounds who were really slow too come out of the box ( I think Sara actually flipped me off!!!!) hahaha!!!!! Got the collars and bells on them and into the new dog box Don (Ricer) made me and off we went....

First stop there was a vehicle parked there I didn't recognize so I figured someone had a kid out deer hunting so I went up the road a quarter mile too an adjoining property but it's much smaller in size..... Backed he truck up too the barn dropped the tailgate on off we went..... There's two sections with an open area between them, hit the front section but missed the corner and we have 3" of snow on the ground it was fairly open and I could see in it pretty good and the hounds wanted too go too the back so who am I too argue lol....

Worked the back and had one run that lasted a half hour and they brought it around 2.5 times and either lost it or it holed up.... Worked the rest of the back section and had nothing else moving.... Did bump a doe who high tailed it into another wood lot which about ten minutes later I heard a 3 shot volley....

Spent about another hour in there letting the pups work it up real good.... Nothing else going, so we headed too the truck and when we got back out front I looked at that corner we missed and said what the heck.... Went into it and they were off too the races lol.... For the next hour and fifteen minutes they ran that little bugger ragged lol.... Passed on him twice so the dogs could get the practice and the third time it stopped 30 yards from me next too a tree before the open area and just sat there catching its breath.... The pups struggled for about five minutes on it and the when they got close too it off it went again..... It came around one more time and then headed for the hillside with all the holes in it and that was that lol.... Called them back and off too the truck we went....

All in all a pretty good afternoon, two runs one really good one and the both got exercise and lots of fresh cold air lol....

Oh and texted Dante off and on about something he came across that I'll let him post about..... Didn't miss anything football wise and the wife had a big lot of stew in the crockpot when I got home!!!! Great afternoon/evening lol....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like a heck of a good time, J! I'm gonna get my hounds out sometime this week. Your tale has made me a little more anxious to get on with it!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Brock you need too get out buddy.... I really looking forward too the thanksgiving hunt.....

Huck I almost hit another woods I knew a guy and his teenage son was hunting in, they were down in the back swamp and I was going too hit the front section too get something moving for them but with he temps and it's always wet up front I didn't want too stress the dogs like that.... It wasn't uncomfortable but why take any chances.....

Didn't hear a lot of shooting but did hear some.... Most seemed like single shots.... I had the .410 but that was for any coyotes more so then rabbits lol...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Thats no TOO far away!!! Got another rabbit sunday walking the tracks. I have been seeing at least one or two on my stomps so it has been fun!!! A box of shells is going to last a while tho LOL!!!! I have been a size five shot guy my whole life but this year i had some four shot remington express that i bought for squirrels and they have been working great in my 20ga. Very little damage meat. Looks like a great day to go for a stomp so im off!!!! Good luck guys and be safe!!!!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck on your stomp-around!

J- mason and I are planning to get the dogs out tomorrow. Really wish school would have been cancelled today! We are going on a pheasant hunt Saturday also. We missed it last Saturday. The guys we were going to go with moved 19, killed a half dozen or so. Can't wait for that!