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Chased some bunnies today


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I carry my gun and shoot the hell out of it but have been slim on the killin part LOL!!!! I wiffed on a easy running away shot. Shot twice and missed. Went out this afternoon again and finally got one after four shots. I started off this season shooting great then for some reason now not so much. Cleaned my gun for the week off and changed the choke from modified to improved cylinder to see if that will help any. Im going back to five shot to get some more pellets in the air also.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I knew this was going to be a long week lol!!!! I'm already looking forward to monday with the cold and maybe some snow on the ground to get back out there.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Got out monday and seen two but no shots fired. It was nice to be back out!!!! Went today down to a public place by jerry city and got one!!! Fresh snow in the middle of the week with no one around made for a real nice hunt!!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Got out monday and seen two but no shots fired. It was nice to be back out!!!! Went today down to a public place by jerry city and got one!!! Fresh snow in the middle of the week with no one around made for a real nice hunt!!!!

Good deal, glad too hear you connected.... Hopefully I'll be out Friday and Saturday..... We'll see how it goes....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Yeah i was happy when i pulled the trigger and it rolled with one shot LOL!!! Put the improved cylinder choke in so maybe that helped some. Hope you get out and good luck!!!


Junior Member
Boy it's been a long couple weeks. First the deer season shut down and then catching up this week. I did get a deer for the freezer during gun week so I'm happy about that. I'm glad to see that some of you are starting to get out again with the dogs or even not with dogs as the case may be. Now that deer season is over, us small game hunters can get back at it!!!!!

I was able to get the hounds out a couple times the past week, but just for short hour long runs. Darn lack of daylight is such an issue this time of year. Yesterday I took a vacation day and was able to get the beagles out for a very much needed 2 3/4 hours. No gun for me, but I did take the camera. They had a short chase by the creek and then we moved back to the woods. The rest of the time was spent on one rabbit. I sat on a downed tree limb near where they jumped it most of the time with a few moves here and there to watch the show. They brought that rabbit round 7 times before I called it quits. Cannot believe that rabbit did not hole up somewhere. It sure was fun though. A few pictures of the chase.

Dottie, 8 years old, this is my dog I got at the local animal shelter.

Buddy, 4 years old, not quite the rabbit dog that my old girl Gabby was, but he does a good job.

And together


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Beagles, much like humans have their strengths and weaknesses individually they can struggle but packed up they're a force to be reckoned with.... That's why I like running at least two at a time.... Lots of action too witness....

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Beagles, much like humans have their strengths and weaknesses individually they can struggle but packed up they're a force to be reckoned with.... That's why I like running at least two at a time.... Lots of action too witness....

Good wet snow this morning J, you should be out there!


Senior Member
nothing beats the singing of a duo of trio of Biggle dogs. J, do you find that your dogs have a tendency to hunt together or just do their own thing?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Spent two hours out in the snow.... 4 runs 3 good ones and the first one was a struggle for them...

Jamie they work pretty good as a team...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Good stuff in the rabbit woods today. I had a free morning so a buddy of mine and myself went for about 3 hours. Is was a wet miserable day, we had a half dozen different rabbits up and only 1 ran for more than 75 yards. I shot the only one we saw. We had a 6 pack of dogs and I got to see one of the biggest Cedar trees I've ever seen. Great time even if I did get soaked. Wanted to take some pics but it never quit raining, maybe next time.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
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Spent two hours out in the snow.... 4 runs 3 good ones and the first one was a struggle for them...

Jamie they work pretty good as a team...

Sorry for the short post, had too lean the kennel and head too get some more feed and straw.... Then the removing all the snow around the home front as well as my neighbors then out too dinner with my lovely bride.....

I hit the same farm as the last snow storm and had three good runs after a so so run lol.... You could tell that they had some rust on em lol.....

First run was a short one that ended almost as fast as it started and Katie backtracked it a couple of times and nothing transpired more than that.... I walked over too a thicker area that was flattened out from the last snowstorm we had and kicked out another one and they ran that around a couple of times and I finally pulled the trigger on it and dropped it and waited for them too find it and that lit a fire under them lol.... The next two runs were about a half hour a piece and they were little ones that I didn't want too pul the trigger on and then off too the truck we went....

The snow was falling the whole time and you could barely make out our tracks from where we came in.... The picture of the box in the truck is the one Ricer made for me and luckily for the both of us no blood was found on it lol.... Sorry Don I had too lol.... The dogs love the box and it's a nice addition too my rabbit hunting arsenal lol....

The one thing that I'm lacking is a semi-auto in .410 and then the last one will be the side by side..... That will wrap up the weaponry for the bunnies lol....

Weather was pretty nice even with the snow coming down as the fresh wet snow held the scent pretty good for the girls too track....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Yeah i always wanted a older remingtin 1100 in .410!!! My cousin uses a stoger SXS in .410 that he loves!!!. Nice gun for the money.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sam just picked up a side by side and it's a fantastic looking one at that.... Buddy has a an 1100 in all gauges... Yeah he really likes em lol....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Spent 4 hours out running the girls today, got my buddy out of the house and out for the first time chasing bunnies this year.... We only had one short chase but got the girls some exercise as well as my buddy..... Hardly any tracks other than deer and cats.... Hit three different properties and one I just hit too check some feeders we put up Friday with no tracks anywhere close too them.... I don't think the squirrels have even hit them yet lol....

Oh well, the girls got new bedding today and a good helping of food too make up for all the calories they burned up today.....

Bluedog what's your opinion on adding some ground burger too their food every on e in a while you think it messes with their digestive track at all??? My buddy will drop some in as well as the grease that comes from it too boost the protein some according too him lol....