It'll be interesting TOO see what Wally World does, if anything. They were so quick to drop Paula Dean, but as big as a cash cow DD is for them .... it'll just be interesting.
Nothing. Big difference between dropping the N word and referencing the Bible and stating your opinion. Paula Dean claimed she wanted a big plantation house and wanted to host a party with young black male servants. Umm. . . that is pretty danged extreme. Phil gave an opinion and reason why. She flat out crossed the line.
More people are pissed off over this then Benghazi, fast and furious and any of the other scandals our current administration has potentially been a part of. This upsets me more.
It is good that America still has enough Christian minded and f family centered people to back Phil up but they are more focused on a really tv show and their entertainment than what is happening in our world. But perhaps it is the spark to start shifting America back to a different path.
Supposedly Cracker Barrel pull DD merchandise....
I only saw a handful of episodes of the show. And was getting sick of seeing DD merchandise on every aisle of every store. But Phil is my new hero. Refering to the time before the civil rights movement as "pre entitlement" Classic.
The points he was making were pertaining to the moral degradation of society. I agree with him.
I agree with this as well. In my opinion, the degradation of society has nothing to do with color. It is an entire class of society expecting the hand outs and it is not pointing to blacks, whites, latinos, or any specific race in my opinion.
They said they will still sell duck commander items. That brand belongs to the robinsons. The duck dynasty stuff belongs to AE. I wonder if in a round about way they just said they'll be pulling the duck dynasty stuff over AEs antics.
They said they will still sell duck commander items. That brand belongs to the robinsons. The duck dynasty stuff belongs to AE. I wonder if in a round about way they just said they'll be pulling the duck dynasty stuff over AEs antics.