Holy shit I am in leggo hell today!!
What's TOO good? My parents got me a TC encore and the mossburg 500 combo with soft cases for both for Christmas! I'm still in shock.
Its a CVA optima I don't know why I put encore. Duh
Damn Wayne, you made out like a bandit! Nice haul there!
Had a great Christmas with the family. Izzy didn't quite understand what was going on, but we still had fun! First time I've had Christmas off in seven years!
What's good?
Getting to us the gag gift my kids got me for Christmas for the party we are going to.
View attachment 18714
A 1 gallon flask full of Columbus Breweries Winter Warmer.
Got the second cataract Taken off my right eye yesterday and the patch off today! Man what a difference! I may be able to hit a target out there at thirty yards now. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got the second cataract Taken off my right eye yesterday and the patch off today! Man what a difference! I may be able to hit a target out there at thirty yards now. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!