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Full bore and Finelyshedded Shed thread of 2014


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I think Ron found just one horn(the first) then threw it like a lawn jart 35 feet away and snapped a second pic claiming he found two.......:smiley_chinrub:

Hey DICK, take a pic of both sheds laying in the usual spot on your carpet and send me it and ill post it. :smiley_crocodile::smiley_coolpeace:


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I think Ron found just one horn(the first) then threw it like a lawn jart 35 feet away and snapped a second pic claiming he found two.......:smiley_chinrub:

Hey DICK, take a pic of both sheds laying in the usual spot on your carpet and send me it and ill post it. :smiley_crocodile::smiley_coolpeace:

Here's your lawn dart! Lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Asketh and you shall receiveth:pickle:



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Whelp, Ron's found his number 3 this morning with the help of his daughter Matty. This particular buck is one of which Ron has some shed history with. It's the fourth year in a row that he's found this bucks left side in the same field and all 4 were picked up within 200 yards of each other.

ATL pic

Picked up

All four year left sides


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I agree with all of you. I found both sides last year, as matter of fact. It was my first and second sheds last year. He had 12 scorables last year. This deer is IMO, 5.5 years old and would be a fine trophy for anyone. 6" bases are appealing with some character as well.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just an update for my personal use as I like going back to these threads in the future for reference.

I stopped by a farmers place late last week on Friday to ask him how his son and buddies did this year in the way of deer sightings and kills. This farmer has 500+ acres and is relatively close to home as we have the same deer families so I was very interested what he had to say. As I suspected he was quite surprised how low our deer numbers are now. He went on to tell me that this is the worse year his son and buddies had ever! They have always killed very nice bucks on his property and try to manage it the best they can but the last couple years ago the numbers seemed to start falling off quite a bit. He said the GW stopped by during gun season to check the guys for compliance and afterwards asked them if they'd been seeing much. They told him not much and he agreed that numbers were really down and mentioned that EHD might have added to the cause.
After talking to him and getting the approval for shed hunting permission I headed over to the farm I hunt a mile away and pulled a card. Just a couple small bucks and does was all I had on my card.

Then a couple days ago I went to another farmer that's given me permission to hunt and shed hunt on and he too owns 500+ acres but is about 3 miles from the first farmers place. I had a sneakin suspicion of what I was going to hear but was anxious to find out what happened on his farm over the course of last hunting season. I drove by both farms 3-5 times a week from October 28th through November 21st from 3:30-4-:15am on my way home from work just to monitor the deer movement and see if any shooter bucks were up and moving. In all my travels during the Rut around both of these farms and everything else around them and in between I saw just one little doe bedded along a back road splitting two cut cornfields. This is a big reason I didn't bother taking Karissa hunting on his farm after I tagged out this season.

After talking and catching up I asked him how the other guys did on his farm this season and just like the other farmer said, they saw very few deer and have wondered what has happened to them. After I secured my permission to shed hunt on him again I left for home wondering if I'll find a shed on either of these two farms. Last year I found a small shed on each one but this year it appears it will be slim pickings again...dang!

I'm gonna have to branch out and find other farms closer to town I guess...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thats a bummer Ric. Do you think over harvesting has been the #1 issue? Or is it a combination of things(ehd, coyotes,etc)?

I think it's a number of things Gordo but the liberal tag handouts didn't help much either. I've always noticed a healthy yote population and a farmer across the road from where I do most of my hunting(2 miles from my house) found 4 dead deer this summer near water that the county GW suspected was EHD although. There is a lot of hunting pressure around my area as well so its probably a combination of several things.

I ate a doe tag each of the last two years although I could have filled them but chose not too due to the lack of sightings. I will not be buying an extra tag this year or the next year thanks to the ODNR reaching their target goal.

Enough about that and getting back on track, let the sheds start hitting the ground....no matter how few there is!:pickle: