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More snow ....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure on accuracy of info. Neighbor is retired. Biggest worries in life are keeping the lawn clean, the drive clean, and the cars clean. He is my weather hawk. Watches it and plans for cleaning his drive all day long. He claims the local news put us at 9-11". I don't know if accurate or not, but I guarantee you there were spots which had it. If I had to guess I would have guessed us in the 8-12" range in most areas so I think he is right. We moved a lot of volume of snow for sure.


Junior Member
We had to get close to 10'' I went out this morning and cleaned my wifes car off and had to turn on her wipers cause it was snowing so hard. She was pissed it took her 30 mins to get there and 10mins after she got there they made it level 3 and sent her home lol

yep west of Toledo most of my driveways I did were 12+ inches. Not counting the many 4 ft drifts


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Phil, what do y'all do when too much snow comes down? Frontend loaders and dumps????

Yes. Most generally backhoes. Sometimes skid loaders. We just stack it higher or relocate to different areas of property most of the time. We have a backhoe on each property over 10acres. Some have backhoe with push box and a skid loader. Skid loaders will have either a plow, a push box, or sometimes I use the 2 1/2 yd bucket.
First year in college in Saulte Ste. Marie Michigan in the UP was the first year I watched them load dump trucks to haul snow away when cleaning parking lots and the campus. That was also the first year ever the university closed for a snow day when we got almost 4 ft. in 24 hours.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
When I was stationed in Illinois they filled up triaxles and trucked too the backside of the base, in St Johns New Foundland they loaded tri axles and backed them up too the docks on the wharf and dumped the snow in the harbor only too drift out too sea or melt on the way lol... Mini icebergs lol....