Yup, go fondle some in the store and see what you like the best.
Yep, that's the plan.... I guess I'm looking for the pros and cons of going with a apple format versus a droid....
Yup, go fondle some in the store and see what you like the best.
Yep, that's the plan.... I guess I'm looking for the pros and cons of going with a apple format versus a droid....
J, I gotta ask, why are you concerned with a camera on a tablet? What kind of pictures do you plan on taking with it? Reason I ask is because they will be the same as just about any decent smart phone with picture quality. Great close range photos, and great in good light, but grainy in low light.
Do you have a smart phone now?
P.S. I have an iPhone 4 and couldn't throw it hard enough into a brick wall. I hate anything that has an "i" in front of it, can't wait to get out of the contract and will RUN to an android smart phone as soon as I can.
You pull the trigger on one yet J?