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Eric Church


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
It's at all of them. Church, Moore, Aldean, Bryan etc. Despite what shooter said to keep the lawyers off him, church is the only one who wears an iconic baseball hat. Nashville keeps churning out these "outlaws" as an image. If it's not outlaws it's crap like brad paisley, Florida Georgia line, Keith urban, Emerson drive, Kelly clarkson, Gloriana, Sundy best, Brett Eldridge, the band perry. Etc. Garbage teeny bopper load of Nashville image group BS. They sing country because they can, not because they are or because it comes from the soul. Twenty years from now nobody will remember their name. Then you have great country artists like shooter, johnson, etc that have to fight for every song to even be played on the radio. But Kelly Pickler lets out a queef and it gets spun every 5 min on the radio. None of the greats would stand a chance in today's Nashville. Sickening.

Exactly. You know what I listen to? George Jones, Waylon, hank Jr, cash, haggard, those guys are real.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't disagree at all Joe, With the exception of Church and Paisley.

Luke Bryan wears the ballcap.

Now, I like some of the songs by some of the artists you mentioned. I can't deny that. But, as I've said before in another thread somewhere, they need a sub genre of "country". Clearly most of what is on the radio today is pop.

Paisley has a unique sound. All his songs sound the same, but he's different than the others and he can jam on that guitar.

I still believe Church is also unique. There's just something different about what he says and how he sounds.

The rest of the big stars right now? Put them in a bag, shake them up, they all come out the same.

Side note, one other newer artist that is pretty good but doesn't fit the pretty boy mold is Josh Thompson. He has some good stuff. Not sure if he sings his own tunes though.

And how about Blackberry Smoke? You can throw them in with Shooter and Jamey Johnson on lack of radio play because they don't fit the image. They would've sold a shit ton of records back in the Skynyrd day.


Staff member
I let the wife control the radio for once this weekend since we were headed to Columbus to shop for her Christmas gift. No lie, I was ready to kill myself by the time we got to Cambridge! "Country music" sucks ASS! The new stuff has even ruined the old stuff for me. I still like some Garth and George, but I'm having a hard time liking Church and Johnson just because I've grown so tired of anything not rock. I might be a redneck country boy, but I love me some Tool, Skynard, Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd, and a whole list of others!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I let the wife control the radio for once this weekend since we were headed to Columbus to shop for her Christmas gift. No lie, I was ready to kill myself by the time we got to Cambridge! "Country music" sucks ASS! The new stuff has even ruined the old stuff for me. I still like some Garth and George, but I'm having a hard time liking Church and Johnson just because I've grown so tired of anything not rock. I might be a redneck country boy, but I love me some Tool, Skynard, Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd, and a whole list of others!

You know I'm a rocker at heart. I've had a hard time finding any new rock bands that have that sound. You know the sound I mean... the one that just wows you.

Jesse, the bands you mentioned have the wow factor. Of course, Led Zep, G N' R, Crue, etc... had the wow factor and their music is timeless. Today's rock bands? Like Joe said about some of the "country" artists, in a few years nobody will remember them. In my opinion, the best new rock band out there is Shinedown. Other than that, I can't think of anyone new to the scene (in the last 10 years) who has put out more than one good album.

Bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Five Finger Deathpunch (covers are best) have some good tunes, but I wouldn't go get the whole album and play it over and over like I did with albums from the "wow" bands.

I can still pop in Tesla's "Great Radio Controversy" and rock out like I was 15 again. That is friggin rock music right there!
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Staff member
I agree with new age rock also. Not a lot of people standing out from the crowd right now. IMO, we grew up in one of the greatest eras for music with the bridging of Pink Floyd to Tool, Zeppelin to Nirvana, Skynard to Chili Peppers; we really got a great dosing of music before it all went to shit!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Shooter may be "real" but can't sing worth a shit. He holds a tune worse than I do.

I want to fight Justin Moore. Many small guys could whip my ass but I doubt he is one.

Aldeans stuff is all right. He is an ugly fugger.

Jamey Johnson is my boy. I also like most of Aaron Lewis' stuff.

Country like all music genres is getting muddled. That is because what sells is what matters. Hard truth but there will always be fringe music (whatever style) and classics to listen TOO. Every once in a while a true artist comes in and reminds us of what/why we love certain styles.

This coming from a guy where music doesn't play a big role in my life. I like it but listen to AM radio or books on cd/pod most of the time.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Shooter may be "real" but can't sing worth a shit. He holds a tune worse than I do.

I want to fight Justin Moore. Many small guys could whip my ass but I doubt he is one.

Aldeans stuff is all right. He is an ugly fugger.

Jamey Johnson is my boy. I also like most of Aaron Lewis' stuff.

Country like all music genres is getting muddled. That is because what sells is what matters. Hard truth but there will always be fringe music (whatever style) and classics to listen TOO. Every once in a while a true artist comes in and reminds us of what/why we love certain styles.

This coming from a guy where music doesn't play a big role in my life. I like it but listen to AM radio or books on cd/pod most of the time.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Beener, you're right, Shooter isn't the best singer, but there is something about his rawness (for lack of better description) that I like. Since he can't sing, maybe that's why I like to sing his tunes. I can copy that sound pretty damn good. Lol


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
You know I'm a rocker at heart. I've had a hard time finding any new rock bands that have that sound. You know the sound I mean... the one that just wows you.

Jesse, the bands you mentioned have the wow factor. Of course, Led Zep, G N' R, Crue, etc... had the wow factor and their music is timeless. Today's rock bands? Like Joe said about some of the "country" artists, in a few years nobody will remember them. In my opinion, the best new rock band out there is Shinedown. Other than that, I can't think of anyone new to the scene (in the last 10 years) who has put out more than one good album.

Bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Five Finger Deathpunch (covers are best) have some good tunes, but I wouldn't go get the whole album and play it over and over like I did with albums from the "wow" bands.

I can still pop in Tesla's "Great Radio Controversy" and rock out like I was 15 again. That is friggin rock music right there!

I agree, Shinedown is about the only good rock band out right now. Hell, is there any other rock out there? I prefer my Chevelle, Sevendust, Shinedown etc. I love my 90s stuff, Alice in Chains, Chilli Peppers.

The Country now days is OK at best. They do make some good catchy songs, but they are pop stars. Its like the city boys who you see wearing cowboy boots, and say they are a good ol boy, and never even lived near the country, or even know what a true good ol boy is.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio

Shooter is alright in my book, I think Kid Rock has some real good shit and he's a little Rap, Country and Rock.

To me the Hair Bands are what all my music taste is basically formed by, it had it ALL. The Crue, Ratt, Cinderella, Tesla, GNR ect.... had awesome guitars, drum solo's and killer vocal's. Today's music, especially the new rock, is hard to get attached to. Im with Mike on the Shinedown and Five Finger Deathpunch but other than that Im not sure I really recognize any new stuff. I cant think of any new stuff that has a single drum solo or somebody shredding a guitar like Mick Mars.

My roots with country were established by Travis Tritt, and that is pretty much it. The dude wrote and played his own stuff and it was killer. Today its Johnson mainly for me. I really like Church but havent listened to his newest album so I dont have an opinion.

For what its worth I plan on going to Charleston on April 12th to watch Great White and Tom Keifer, then I would like to see Motley Crue in July.

I still remember watching Tesla, "Great Radio Controversy" tour and Jeff Keith walked out on stage smoking a big fatty, and I agree with Mike that I could stick that CD in the truck and feel like I was 18 again, great stuff.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
The Crue and Alice Cooper are gonna be up your way Aug 13th. Im off then, maybe I'll go there instead of Columbus. We'll have to hook up if we both go.


Junior Member
Central Ohio
I gave it a listen, and it doesn't do anything for me. Also, I have never understood judging music as "authentic" or not. Well, Milli Vanilli wasn't, but if you sing and play intruments, then I define you as a musical artist. I put your music in whatever genre is sounds closest to. A lot of today's country just sounds like bad rock and roll music to me, but I don't feel the need to discredit it as "authentic" or not. I like it or I don't. Church songs I don't really like.


spencerville oh
Just got it from the fiancée today for my birthday. Its a damn good track. Him and Aaron lewis, and some Chris Posey, and Johnson is all I got in the truck . That's all I need.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I gave it a listen, and it doesn't do anything for me. Also, I have never understood judging music as "authentic" or not. Well, Milli Vanilli wasn't, but if you sing and play intruments, then I define you as a musical artist. I put your music in whatever genre is sounds closest to. A lot of today's country just sounds like bad rock and roll music to me, but I don't feel the need to discredit it as "authentic" or not. I like it or I don't. Church songs I don't really like.

If you don't believe what your singing it shows. Maybe not when you have the studio magic but live it surely does.

What you sing and how you sing it matters to most.