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Theboroblem with coyote dogs.....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
And here again don't assume all coon hunters are trespassers. I have coonhunted with a hound since I was old enough to carry a light. And I can gaurentee I've never been where I didn't have permission. And as far as the dogs running deer. I won't own one. I ve seen several dogs put to rest because they ran deer and couldn't be broke off of them. I guess what I'm saying is don't assume all houndsmen are ass holes and tresspassers.

You would be the less than 1% that I've ever seen, a good majority just flip a dog out where they please. I had to quit hunting with an old guy around here. I would say his name but his dogs are pretty well known. Id ask him "who owns these woods? "The Indians" No seriously. Do you know who owns them? The coon and the dog don't care. Reckon I don't either. Guy was like 80 and straight didn't care whose names on the deed. Far as he's concerned the Indians owned it. And most never catch crap about it.

If their dog is worth a damn it'll get in there and get hooked within 150 yards of the truck. They'll walk in. A couple 22 cb caps, leash em, and back to the truck they go. Most are in and out before the farmer can even get his pants on. Not that most of them even care. I remember he went out one night by himself. Farmer found his truck parked down the lane and took his keys. Left a note saying to come see him. He used his spare out if the box and went home. I'll be damned the next day if that old rascal didn't have his keys back, a signed slip and a key to the gate.

Really the only people that get their panties in a bunch is city folk who moved to the country and deer hunters.

The wardens don't even really care. Ain't worth their time to chase a few coon hunters through the county. He told me a story about how our warden used to have it out for him. One night he left the house and saw the warden following him. Took him for a drive all over the county. Another night he parked his truck on the side of a road near a swamp and put his dogs in his buddies truck leaving his box open. Him and his buddy went on and hunted the rest of the night. That morning he loaded his dogs back in his truck and went home. When he got there our old warden was waiting at his house covered in mud up to his waist. Ole GW ha spent most of the night in the swamp laying in wait to catch him. doesn't take many nights of that where they figure out they have better things to do than chase a guy all over the county to write one ticket.
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spencerville oh
Well jackolope I guess I will take that as a compliment and pass it on to my hunting party. Because if I took it any other way I would feel you are calling me a poacher more or less. Everybody bitches about coon around a deer feeder eating there corn and how all the coyotes kill there fawns for next year, and yet I enjoy hunting them legally, and yet im ridiculed about it? It all boils down to permission if you don't have it don't go, its that simple. I don't care if you were hunting field mice at 2 o clock in the morning, if you don't have permission you deserve the punishment. Sure there are plenty of good old boys groups out there. That don't give a damn. But I don't run with a group like this. Believe me we have plenty in my area. They have ruined many good spots for us to hunt. And as far as miles and miles of permission we do have it. One of our guys owns a excavating buisness and has dug every lagoon and done ditch work and made pads for every hog barn and cattle barn in the area that helps get permission another is a manager of a large fertilizer plant which covers four counties which helps get the majority of the permission, and we go knock on doors and these are sections we have growed up in or are our niehborhoods. If you have a group of ten honest guys its not hard to gain permission if everybody does a little leg work. If anybody and I mean anybody wants to come with me and hunt coyotes or coon as far as that goes they are more than welcome. And I gaureentee everything is legit. I am all for turning somebody in if they don't have a right to be there.


spencerville oh
IMG_20140218_141509.jpgcleaned out freezer today, so we can sell this week. Non of these critters were killed while trespassing. Plain and simple if you haven't got permission stay the fugg out. Go do it honest and its more rewarding in the end.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Well jackolope I guess I will take that as a compliment and pass it on to my hunting party. Because if I took it any other way I would feel you are calling me a poacher more or less. Everybody bitches about coon around a deer feeder eating there corn and how all the coyotes kill there fawns for next year, and yet I enjoy hunting them legally, and yet im ridiculed about it? It all boils down to permission if you don't have it don't go, its that simple. I don't care if you were hunting field mice at 2 o clock in the morning, if you don't have permission you deserve the punishment. Sure there are plenty of good old boys groups out there. That don't give a damn. But I don't run with a group like this. Believe me we have plenty in my area. They have ruined many good spots for us to hunt. And as far as miles and miles of permission we do have it. One of our guys owns a excavating buisness and has dug every lagoon and done ditch work and made pads for every hog barn and cattle barn in the area that helps get permission another is a manager of a large fertilizer plant which covers four counties which helps get the majority of the permission, and we go knock on doors and these are sections we have growed up in or are our niehborhoods. If you have a group of ten honest guys its not hard to gain permission if everybody does a little leg work. If anybody and I mean anybody wants to come with me and hunt coyotes or coon as far as that goes they are more than welcome. And I gaureentee everything is legit. I am all for turning somebody in if they don't have a right to be there.

Take it as a complement. I said if you do it right and don't trespass you are in about the 1% of coon hunters that I've seen and met. And trust me brother. They're pretty much the same everywhere. I've ran dogs and coon hunted since I could handle a dog. I've been on both sides of the fence. I've hunted some good dogs and walked out with my collars in my hand with plenty others. But it's pretty much a constant that coon hunters don't read no trespassing signs too well. I'd imagine it's much less for yote hunters as it's relatively new and mostly done during the day. But from the reports of things, it seems like many are cut from the same cloth as old coon hunters.


spencerville oh
I have been on both sides too. And I left a group of yote hunters because of this very reason. And i didnt hunt coyotes other then calling them for several years until i worked with the manager of the fert plant i spoke of invited me to get back at it .I just don't want people to think we are all no good sobs. Its no different then guys running around shooting deer out of the truck window. It does get done. But does this make all deer hunters poachers, absolutely not. Its the same. I apologize if I took you wrong. And as far as coon hunters and coyotes hunters being in the same boat, I don't believe this to be true. There are a lot of coon dog jockeys not hounds men. I have a 13 year bitch here right now a guy overed me 2 grand for. I wouldn't sell her because all he wanted was a damb good dog with this bloodline. Its all about selling dogs anymore with the "coonhunter" now a days. There are very few coon dogs left in this state... if you understand what I'm saying. As far as the yote hunting with a dog yes it is fairly new. But tress passing has been going on since the days of the cowboys and Indians, does that make it right ? Nope its not. All I'm saying is I hope everybody doesn't think every coyote hunter with a hound or every coon hunter in the woods is a outlaw. Some of us just enjoy hearing the sound of a good dog on a hot track running a coyote down your gun barrel. This thread is all about trespassing. If it was deer hunting it would be the same bottom line, trespassing. Not all people who run a hound is a outlaw. I'm sorry I took offense too your comment .


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I have been on both sides too. And I left a group of yote hunters because of this very reason. And i didnt hunt coyotes other then calling them for several years until i worked with the manager of the fert plant i spoke of invited me to get back at it .I just don't want people to think we are all no good sobs. Its no different then guys running around shooting deer out of the truck window. It does get done. But does this make all deer hunters poachers, absolutely not. Its the same. I apologize if I took you wrong. And as far as coon hunters and coyotes hunters being in the same boat, I don't believe this to be true. There are a lot of coon dog jockeys not hounds men. I have a 13 year bitch here right now a guy overed me 2 grand for. I wouldn't sell her because all he wanted was a damb good dog with this bloodline. Its all about selling dogs anymore with the "coonhunter" now a days. There are very few coon dogs left in this state... if you understand what I'm saying. As far as the yote hunting with a dog yes it is fairly new. But tress passing has been going on since the days of the cowboys and Indians, does that make it right ? Nope its not. All I'm saying is I hope everybody doesn't think every coyote hunter with a hound or every coon hunter in the woods is a outlaw. Some of us just enjoy hearing the sound of a good dog on a hot track running a coyote down your gun barrel. This thread is all about trespassing. If it was deer hunting it would be the same bottom line, trespassing. Not all people who run a hound is a outlaw. I'm sorry I took offense too your comment .

Here's my list of trespassers in order from what I've seen.

Coon hunters
Mushroom hunters
Shed Hunters
Turkey hunters
Deer hunters
Rabbit Hunters.


spencerville oh
It really don't matter, trespassing is trespassing just because you catch a guy mushroom hunting were he shouldn't be doesn't mean all of us mushroom hunters are outlaws.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
It really don't matter, trespassing is trespassing just because you catch a guy mushroom hunting were he shouldn't be doesn't mean all of us mushroom hunters are outlaws.

You're not getting what I'm saying. I agree that just because Someone eats mcdonalds doesn't make them fat. But that doesn't change the fact that fat people love McDonald's. Just because a person mushroom hunts doesn't make them a trespasser. But mushroom hunters love to trespass. Just because someone coon hunts doesn't make them a trespasser. But that doesn't change the fact that by in large they some trespassing mofos.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Your in a split property woods with a stran of wire running down the middle and on your side you are not finding dick but one foot on the other side of the wire there are thirty to fourty beer can size morrels. Do you cross the wire and pick them or just walk by? I know the right thing would be to find the owner and get permission but just seeing what would you guys do?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Your in a split property woods with a stran of wire running down the middle and on your side you are not finding dick but one foot on the other side of the wire there are thirty to fourty beer can size morrels. Do you cross the wire and pick them or just walk by? I know the right thing would be to find the owner and get permission but just seeing what would you guys do?

Get permission or just look and walk away. I had a old neighbor who would mushroom hunt without permission. When I caught him he says "I didn't think you would mind". I do mind.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Yep!!! Stealing is stealing period!!!! We had a woods like that where we deer hunted that was split with a old two strand fence half up half down in places but we knew the line. Towards the end of gun season we knew the deer were in there but never went in and pushed them out even though the owners were never around.


Junior Member
NW Ohio
You would be the less than 1% that I've ever seen, a good majority just flip a dog out where they please. I had to quit hunting with an old guy around here. I would say his name but his dogs are pretty well known. Id ask him "who owns these woods? "The Indians" No seriously. Do you know who owns them? The coon and the dog don't care. Reckon I don't either. Guy was like 80 and straight didn't care whose names on the deed. Far as he's concerned the Indians owned it. And most never catch crap about it.

If their dog is worth a damn it'll get in there and get hooked within 150 yards of the truck. They'll walk in. A couple 22 cb caps, leash em, and back to the truck they go. Most are in and out before the farmer can even get his pants on. Not that most of them even care. I remember he went out one night by himself. Farmer found his truck parked down the lane and took his keys. Left a note saying to come see him. He used his spare out if the box and went home. I'll be damned the next day if that old rascal didn't have his keys back, a signed slip and a key to the gate.

Really the only people that get their panties in a bunch is city folk who moved to the country and deer hunters.The wardens don't even really care. Ain't worth their time to chase a few coon hunters through the county. He told me a story about how our warden used to have it out for him. One night he left the house and saw the warden following him. Took him for a drive all over the county. Another night he parked his truck on the side of a road near a swamp and put his dogs in his buddies truck leaving his box open. Him and his buddy went on and hunted the rest of the night. That morning he loaded his dogs back in his truck and went home. When he got there our old warden was waiting at his house covered in mud up to his waist. Ole GW ha spent most of the night in the swamp laying in wait to catch him. doesn't take many nights of that where they figure out they have better things to do than chase a guy all over the county to write one ticket.

As an person who hunted coon for years in the past I totally agree with the city slicker comment and would add you'd better have your stuff in order if you shot one of my dogs. Had to try to stop laughing when someone on this thread commented a "good" dog would have a coon hooked in 150 yards - really? A hot nosed dog maybe but not a "good" dog.


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Asinine statement I have seen many times. Better be chest puffery or you need to get your head checked. Animal life does not equal human.

Did that and had a brain tumor removed on January of 2012 in a 14 hour surgery at Johns Hopkins. Just sayin' my dogs were more than dogs to me they were part of my family. I always had permission to hunt where I dropped but a "good" dog can take a cold track and put it up a mile away. I made 2 of my dogs NT Champions and one a dual Bench and Hunt (UKC at that time). Would have to meet your comment with many a human life I've encountered or have seen on the news is not as good as the dogs I've hunted.