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2014 shed season


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm like a kid in a candy store. The snow is finally all gone here and I'm getting the quad out tomorrow. I'm putting my little girl on the back with me. My dad will have one of the boys with him, and we will be slowly combing the fields (mainly wood edges) and looking hard. Just excited to get out.

I wanna hit the easy access places first before anyone else does. Then in the following weeks it's to the woods and the bedding areas. I'm sure there a few still holding on and don't wanna push any of them out of the area. Hopefully I got some pics to share tomorrow!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
securedownload[1] (4).jpgsecuredownload[1] (3).jpgChecking snares this morning and took a little walk through a small weed field and found these my first for the season. If you look behind the pic of the single one you can see the tines sticking up on the other one.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Took a nice hour walk this morning on some public ground. Didn't find any sheds but you can't ask for a nicer day to take a quiet walk.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Nice finds guys! I just got done, went out for 3 hours and didn't find chit. I've only seen a couple half racks on camera, most are still holding around here.


Junior Member
The woods
Tried to get some private land for shed hunting today knocking on doors, no such luck. Ended up going out with my girlfriend and the dogs to some public land, and she found her first shed. She was pretty excited.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Covered some decent ground on the quad today with one of the boys. Saw no sheds. Saw very few deer tracks. It confirmed what I have been seeing from the road. Very little traffic on this property and this property is PRIME for our local area. It was truly disturbing. I hadn't seen many deer on this property throughout the season. I am seeing less in the off season.


Staff member
Headed to the farm for the first time here shortly. As soon as I can stop shitting my brains out from the BWs I had last night that is!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice Mike! Aren't you one of the guys who has said in the past you rarely find sheds? If so, you are off to a pretty good start this year. Good for you man!