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Full bore and Finelyshedded Shed thread of 2014


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have some serious good feelings about this Wednesday. Now let's cross our fingers and hope it doesn't snow or something stupid to screw it up.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I haven't had much luck either. I know I've walked a shit ton of miles since my last picked up shed. I believe many of what little bucks I have running on the properties I walk are still carrying. It's very discouraging though when I talk to all the local farmers whose property I walk on when they tell me they don't see many deer these days let alone a buck. I've found a few nice rubs though so unless they were killed there has to be a few bucks around. I've got 5 halves so far so I'm hoping they're either still carrying the other side or dropped them and I haven't found them yet. I did see several trucks parked near my areas that the nice weather brought out and about this past weekend. There are a lot more shed hunters these days.

Here's hoping we who have struggled have better shed hunting days ahead of us! Lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here are a few nice rubs I've stumbled across during my walks.



Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Hey ya'll. my season isn't going very well, but all things considering. It's been better than nil. I have 13 sheds so far. Work has taken me away from doing any hunting after work. I have other people encroaching my shed hunting spots. Plus, I think there's still a good number of bucks still carrying. Oh well, thank God that I have a job and things could be worst.
I will say this. Shed hunting is just the same as deer hunting. TIME spent and ACCESS to great places that aren't overloaded with other hunters.
Good luck TOO everyone and them shrooms will be here before you know it!

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Hey ya'll. my season isn't going very well, but all things considering. It's been better than nil. I have 13 sheds so far. Work has taken me away from doing any hunting after work. I have other people encroaching my shed hunting spots. Plus, I think there's still a good number of bucks still carrying. Oh well, thank God that I have a job and things could be worst.
I will say this. Shed hunting is just the same as deer hunting. TIME spent and ACCESS to great places that aren't overloaded with other hunters.
Good luck TOO everyone and them shrooms will be here before you know it!
I haven't seen a horn on a buck for a couple weeks now up here. Think they've all shed now. The sheds I've found are chewed up pretty good. I've got a couple more places to hit and I'm done. Time to start focusing on birds...lol


Junior Member
Hey ya'll. my season isn't going very well, but all things considering. It's been better than nil. I have 13 sheds so far. Work has taken me away from doing any hunting after work. I have other people encroaching my shed hunting spots. Plus, I think there's still a good number of bucks still carrying. Oh well, thank God that I have a job and things could be worst.
I will say this. Shed hunting is just the same as deer hunting. TIME spent and ACCESS to great places that aren't overloaded with other hunters.
Good luck TOO everyone and them shrooms will be here before you know it!

Yep I agree and works nice for getting the paychecks but gets it the way for hunting lol. I saw three bucks carrying over the weekend so theres still time left for more to drop. Keep at it full bore, still more time.


Junior Member
The woods
Hey ya'll. my season isn't going very well, but all things considering. It's been better than nil. I have 13 sheds so far. Work has taken me away from doing any hunting after work. I have other people encroaching my shed hunting spots. Plus, I think there's still a good number of bucks still carrying. Oh well, thank God that I have a job and things could be worst.
I will say this. Shed hunting is just the same as deer hunting. TIME spent and ACCESS to great places that aren't overloaded with other hunters.
Good luck TOO everyone and them shrooms will be here before you know it!

Amen to that brother. Honest statement as any. Can not find them if you never get a chance to look or they were never there in the first place. We all know you are the shed master. You still got some time. They are some that are still holding. It ain't over yet.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Lol.....shed master? More like a shed head addict! Lol.
Seriously, I get a lot of pleasure at the shed success from a lot of you guys are having. The ATL pics you guys are posting on the other threads are awesome and truly inspire my willingness to slap on my boot leather. There's a couple of deer that I've really spent a lot of time on. They may still be packing and have wasted some of my effort on other horns. However, if I am lucky enough to find one or any of their sheds, then I will have some piece of mind. If I don't find them, I at least learned more of their travel patterns and home cores.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wish we could have had a chance to scout the property south of where we did hunt Ron. Seeing boot tracks on the way out and seeing stands in a wood lot "off limits" makes me think we were not the first ones in there. Also, it was not a massive amount of ground. I am heading to the property you and I saw them yarded up in awhile. Good luck to you the rest of the weekend brother.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Wish we could have had a chance to scout the property south of where we did hunt Ron. Seeing boot tracks on the way out and seeing stands in a wood lot "off limits" makes me think we were not the first ones in there. Also, it was not a massive amount of ground. I am heading to the property you and I saw them yarded up in awhile. Good luck to you the rest of the weekend brother.

Sounds great Phil. Hope you find the match off the shed you found over there. Check that corn really good.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well stated bro! I hope to get out some this week. Last week was a bust as I had to much other stuff going on and what little time I did go out I found squat....lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I've succumbed to the fact that I'll not find many sheds down here in the SWern part of the state near where I do most of my hunting primarily due to not seeing many bucks throughout the last two years. After walking 2-3 miles today I didn't find any sheds but came across a small doe that died since last weekend cuz it was not laying here then.

Ron found another one over the weekend so his streak is continuing anyway. Congrats bro!

Ron's latest shed

Small dead deer I found(notice the big scab or dried up opening in the bottom of the brisket)