Did it show up Ric?!
If that shed is actually in the box. It won't be there long! Lol.
Are we gonna start the list all over once it reaches the end? If so, put me on last. I thought for sure I signed up way back when, but I guess it's just a figment of mu imagination.
Must have been in a dream. That's why you was sleepin wit da teddy bear lmao
Ric, you didn't keep that Steelers hat?!?!?
It makes good shittin paper. I broke it in. Lol
RC I just can't believe you went there!:smiley_clap:
Must have been in a dream. That's why you was sleepin wit da teddy bear lmao
I thought it was cute flutey hah!
What would have been worse is if I told him what color the bear was. I won't do that to him though. Fluty....it was red just fyi
The package will be on its way shortly headed eastward to Aaron's place. The pornmaster I dealt with was a real stickler on the way it was wrapped with duct tape which is a no no according to the rules. Wasn't going to let me mail it unless I used a different box but got him to agree Ifn I taped over it with priority wrapping tape which I did quite liberally...lol
Aaron should receive the box by Monday if not sooner. Sent it priority with $50 insurance.