Looks great Ric! Does your wife give you shit for having all those up there?
In the beginning but I think they're starting to grow on her...lol
Seriously though, I was told when we built our house if I were to install all our hardwood flooring that I'd be allowed to have 2 deer heads over our fireplace(something I thought was going to happen anyway!)WTH
Anyway, I did them all and she stuck to her promise and let me. After I killed Character I quietly mentioned to the girls that he'd look good in between whatever two other heads I would have up there so they would bring it up during other family conversations and such. We got a few eye rolls here and there but nothing totally negative or a flat out NO!, so when I brought him home from the taxi he went straight up on the wall and WHALLA.....rotflmao
Ya gotz 2 know how to plaz da game! :smiley_coolpeace:
Thanks Brian and Chad!