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Back Pain


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Had a good weekend going. Friday evening I worked up some weeds in the garden. Saturday did some trolling and brought home a basket full of fish. Early sunday we took our kid along with our friends' kids to the local beach. Then later that day I was helping a buddy split/stack wood. We were basically done and I just picked up a small piece and turned to throw it, and that was all she wrote. Instant pain on lower left side, through both hips and down the legs. My wife and friends laughed at me at first until I threatened all their lives:smiley_boos:. Needless to say I went home and started in on heat, ice and drugs. I had to miss work yesterday.It's feeling a whole lot better, but damn. Just pushes me to get back on my dieting and exercise that I was doing so well at. I was down 22 pounds until about a month ago. Now I added 5lbs back. Im currently at 224 and need to really push myself to get to 200lbs. Theres too much stuff I want to do with my kids to keep being a fat fuck and letting my health get in the way


Staff member
I feel you there Ryan. I'm 6'1" 225 right now and my back hurts all the time. There is a family history of lower back pain and I suffered an injury during some drunken shenanigans when I was old enough to know better that kills me mainly because of my weight. I have 2 ribs that won't stay in place and it forms a massive knot in the muscles when it gets back. I sit 80% of my day most days and that kills my lower back. Having 20-30 pounds of extra weight just hanging on everything only makes matters worse. I've had a few pinched nerves and that hip pain is what always gets me when it happens. Not in the joint, but right at the top (right side for me). When I get to hurting there, I have my wife stretch my hips and it really helps. Have her straddle you while on your back and stomach. Both times putting her weight down right where your checks hit your thighs. Then using the palm of her hands, have her find the points of your hips and gently apply pressure down at a 45 degree angle and to 10 and 2 o'clock (its a 3D motion). We did this with her when she was pregnant to help with the hips widening. I've always been flexible and enjoy stretching so I had her try it out. Might be worth a try.

Hope you get to feeling better man. I'm 31 and its become very clear that I need to change my lifestyle now or I will become a burden on my loved ones whether it is through a premature death, or disabling diseases and disorders. Time to nip that shit in the bud so I can watch my little girl grow old and see her kids grow old. With my family history, the writing is on the wall.

You've got my 100% support on this brother! :smiley_clap:


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Been there and done that. Went to move some papers off a little kids chair and put them on the couch that dropped me. That's when I ended up at the ER and found I had a bad reaction to dilaudid. Took the pain away but dang it if that room didn't spin a little too much and make me puke.
With 3 bulging discs one of witch has a tear in it I am screwed. Learned a little too late that the crap we did as youngens does come back to get ya. Just wish I had not been so ignorant in my younger days and would have listened to the older fellas telling me that's what would happen.

Hope it gets better man. Nothing worse then lower back pain and nerve issues.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
ive got 5 compressed discs in my back, mostly due to work and bouncing around in a piece of equipment all day. i started working out again and let me tell ya it truly helps. im at 185 right now but when i was working out and doing jujitsu and stuff i never had an ounce of back pain. i keep telling myself i gotta get back into it, im 27 and hurt all the time its gonna be bad when i get to be 50.


Staff member
I've been kicking around the idea of jui-jitsu classes. My dad used to do karate before I was born and I always thought that was cool. I'm a UFC fan and like the ideas and principles behind martial arts. I think it is something I would enjoy. Being that I love baseball (the most cerebral sport) I think I'd like jui-jitsu since it is very cerebral.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ibupropren (sp???), stretching, ice, rest. . . chiropractor. . . not much more to do for it that I have found to help. I am seriously considering getting an inversion table. I think if I could decompress those lower back muscles, disks, joints, etc., then I might be able to do a little more cardiovascular working out and help my overall health. As it is, if I try to run or anything, the back is horrible. Or as you did, sometimes it is simply moving the wrong way.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
jesse its alot like baseball if you have a good group of guys that feed off each other, im not much into the fighting scene anymore i still have friends compete and i help a little with them but in our little towns around here if people knew you were training and doing stuff theres always someone that thinks there tougher than you and wants to start crap,me and the other guys always got into some stupid fight about things when out at bars or anywhere.everyone that ever started stuff with anybody that trains just because they think they got something to prove doesnt really know what martial arts is all about. alot of people do it to learn to fight or self defense and thats a positive from it but its damn good cardio and keeps you stretched out in return has always helped my back. we had a guy that was almost 350 lbs come in and start doing workouts with us, and hes down to 235 now its like a completely different person.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I weeded my garden Sunday for a few hours too.. My lower back is totally fugged right now as well. That's what I get for letting the weeds get out of control I guess. Seems I've always had lower back issues. I actually think baseball is the root of my pain... Pitching all those years took its toll on my back. I feel like I'm going to be a train wreck when I hit 40. Lol

Same here. That came up in discussion here a while back. Seemed a few guys have had them. The wife and I talk about it all the time. Just haven't ponied up yet.

My dad got an inversion table several months ago. Let me tell you, that thing is awesome. There's a noticeable feeling of relief when you climb off of it.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had a good weekend going. Friday evening I worked up some weeds in the garden. Saturday did some trolling and brought home a basket full of fish. Early sunday we took our kid along with our friends' kids to the local beach. Then later that day I was helping a buddy split/stack wood. We were basically done and I just picked up a small piece and turned to throw it, and that was all she wrote. Instant pain on lower left side, through both hips and down the legs. My wife and friends laughed at me at first until I threatened all their lives:smiley_boos:. Needless to say I went home and started in on heat, ice and drugs. I had to miss work yesterday.It's feeling a whole lot better, but damn. Just pushes me to get back on my dieting and exercise that I was doing so well at. I was down 22 pounds until about a month ago. Now I added 5lbs back. Im currently at 224 and need to really push myself to get to 200lbs. Theres too much stuff I want to do with my kids to keep being a fat fuck and letting my health get in the way

Probably your SI joint. Once that thing starts going out of whack, it's an ongoing thing in most cases. I first had an issue with mine about 10 years ago. Bent over to pick up an arrow and thought I was going to die. Since then, I've had it several times. Luckily for me, my neighbor is a chiropractor that loves pizza. When I get that kink, I go see him. He pops me back in place and it feels better immediately. According to him, when I've knocked it out badly, the best medicine is to get it back in place and put ice on it several times a day. Ice cuts the healing time in half. I've been feeling a little kink for the last couple of weeks, just enough to make you catch your breath every once in a while. I gave up yesterday, went to see him and got cracked back in place. I feel great now. He told me mine is likely from years of driving a truck. Folks that sit at a desk have issues commonly too. He said it does not appear often in people that move a lot at work, building houses or something similar.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Stretching and exercise helps when everything is in place. Chiro is a must to get it back in place.

Not baseball here, but a helmet to my tailbone in football.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I've haqd pain in my lower neck and between my shoulder blades for so long i hardly even notice it any more. Every so often i throw out my lower back at the hips for no real reason. Stretch, and heat is the only thing that helps.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My Chiro says to only use ice that heat is the worse thing to do for a bad back. My hip pops out a lot and have to go get it popped back in or I am totally miserable. Just have to watch about twisting a lot while on my feet but never had any problems till I turned 48 so feel lucky about that listening to you young guys, i am 50 now but feel pretty good and keeping my weight around 195 to 205 seems to really help. Riding a bike several miles a week and light workouts also seems to help but sometimes the dumbest things can throw the old back out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I deal with lower back pain everyday, probably because I'm so tall. I've learned to deal with it but just recently my buddy and I started lifting weights in the garage, so hopefully that helps.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Stretching and exercise is only half of it, watching how you do it is another, but a gut puts more stress on the back then anything.... Reduce it and the pressure reduces as well.... Keeping up with the exercise will help that outcome..... Walking and watching the junk calories is the answer.... Slow and steady wins the race.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can see it now.... we'll all be sitting around the campfire somewhere going on about our backs. I've been dealing with back pain & sciatica for over twenty years. I had another bad mishap back in March . I ended up going to the chiro for the first time since I felt I had nothing to loose... other than money. Of course, by the time I could get in, all my pain was gone. What kept me going back for a while was the electric stimulus in my lower back / hip / leg they hooked me up to. My sciatica had been bothering me constantly since December as it was & then throwing my back out made me try the chiro , after I had gone to my regular Dr for muscle relaxants. After a number of weeks at the chiro, my pain started to come back, so I figured it wasn't worth it to continue. I did something at home that has changed my life I feel. I have a body length Dr Scholls vibrating pad with heat that I haven't used in years. One night back in April, I happened to see it collecting dust in the laundry room & decided to get it back out. I leave it in my recliner & with the vibration on at times, I swear to all here that I have NOT had any more agonizing pain. Sometimes I will feel some pain creeping in, but once I sit down for a minute or so, it's gone. I don't know why , but I have not had the painful experience or numbness in the last two months like I've had beforehand. I really believe the vibrating is the cause for my relief. I can work my 12 weekend shifts with no problems. I can walk all over WalMart with no problem. I can walk in the woods with no problem. I want someone else here to give a vibrating pad a try & see what happens. I'm serious when I say this, but it is a miracle that I haven't had the pain that I use to have.
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Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
I have a Teeter Hang Ups inversion table.. I will be the first one to tell you that, that $300 investment is one of the things that is keeping me away from the OR. I'm 35 and have already had one back surgery, now I'm looking at a 4 vertebrae fusion! I'm in the process of packing and moving and I have to watch everything I do.. If not for that table, a steroid shot and the chiropractor I probably would have already had surgery.. Good luck and take care of that back!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sorry to hear Ryan. Hope your back gets to feeling better. I hope everyone else's back gets to feeling better including mine. I know I must get my weight down as I'm right at 215 right now and most of it rides in my gut like J was saying. My trips to the chiro have really helped me so I highly recommend it as long as they are reputable and qualified. I've heard horror stories as well.
I might checkout one of them inversion tables myself....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can see it now.... we'll all be sitting around the campfire somewhere going on about our backs.

Doubt it. Conversation will be hunting, sex, wild stories. Then a combination of the above. Wild stories about hunting. Wild stories about sex. Wild stories about hunting for sex. lmao


Staff member
I have a Teeter Hang Ups inversion table.. I will be the first one to tell you that, that $300 investment is one of the things that is keeping me away from the OR. I'm 35 and have already had one back surgery, now I'm looking at a 4 vertebrae fusion! I'm in the process of packing and moving and I have to watch everything I do.. If not for that table, a steroid shot and the chiropractor I probably would have already had surgery.. Good luck and take care of that back!!

Damn son, hate to hear that noise. My best friend growing up, his dad was disabled with back issue. He visits the chiro all the time, used the table, and does acupuncture. Keeping up with his back is nearly a full time gig. Tough road for sure.