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Back Pain


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Every time it has happened to me has been the same thing. 1st time was shoveling a lot of weight while twisting and throwing it. 2nd time was lifting and spinning some heavy grain vacuum hose then this last time was just tossing some logs after manhandling a bunch of trunk pieces. But I know my weight is the main culprit. Funny thing is I had a great workout in earlier in the day with all the swimming we did. But I went home and napped for awhile before going to my buddy's. I just said to him that my back was starting to feel it so we took a 10 minute break and drank some Gatorade. I was literally on the last small piece when it popped. If the nasty weather they are calling for tonight doesn't fugg stuff up, then we are hitting the gym for some good cardio. I also need to work out my right knee. I trashed it in High school when my spikes dug in sliding into 3rd base. It sent my ass somersaulting and ended the year for me since we had a couple games left. I never got it looked at but it has always given me fits if I don't keep working it out.


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
Damn son, hate to hear that noise. My best friend growing up, his dad was disabled with back issue. He visits the chiro all the time, used the table, and does acupuncture. Keeping up with his back is nearly a full time gig. Tough road for sure.

It sucks but im trying my damnest to not let it run my life.. For the most part I know what I can and cant do. Damn full time job for sure!

Ric if you ever want to borrow the table or try it out before you buy one let me know.. Starting Saturday I will be in the new house and you have a good idea where its at..
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
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SW Ohio
Been having severe lower back pain for 6 yrs. now. Up until my last Doctor visit 3 months ago the believe was MS nerve damage and nothing to be done. MRI's show nothing wrong.
I notice I have bad gas in the morning and when the gas is passed 80-90% of back pain goes away. The Doctor agreed the gas could be part of the problem. I take GasX before going to bed and some mornings it's better some days not so good.
I also started using a CPAP breathing machine 6 yrs. ago and like the Doctor said I can't stop using the CPAP because of my heart. I'm in a catch 22 situation. I either swallow the air when I breath or the 9 PSI CPAP air pressure blows by into my system. Have a Doctor visit next Monday.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Been having severe lower back pain for 6 yrs. now. Up until my last Doctor visit 3 months ago the believe was MS nerve damage and nothing to be done. MRI's show nothing wrong.
I notice I have bad gas in the morning and when the gas is passed 80-90% of back pain goes away. The Doctor agreed the gas could be part of the problem. I take GasX before going to bed and some mornings it's better some days not so good.
I also started using a CPAP breathing machine 6 yrs. ago and like the Doctor said I can't stop using the CPAP because of my heart. I'm in a catch 22 situation. I either swallow the air when I breath or the 9 PSI CPAP air pressure blows by into my system. Have a Doctor visit next Monday.

Funny you mention gas. Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you I am gifted with gas. I fart more than anyone I know. Its getting worse with all the raw veggies I eat


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
8 years since this thread saw light ... been awhile. Diagnosed with degenerative spine disease in the lumbar thoracic cervical.

Don't know what caused it to get bad again.... but this is by far the most wounded I've ever been. Just prior to the 6 day road trip before Memorial Day to visit the Farm bury my FIL's ashes and then head to my daughters wedding my T2-T5 started being debilitating. 1 ER visit, 2 Urgent cares and bags of mouth poison didn't help.

Raising mt right arm to type this .. feels like an Ice Pick bwteen the blades thru the shoulder and neuropathy in my entre right arm/hand and the muscle relaxers aren't touching it, w 800mg Ranger candy... saw the Cyro a couple times when I got back - no relief. So for three weeks or so I'm useless, can't hardly walk, couldn't hike in CO, can't take my yak out for Red Snapper season in GOM, havn't even loked at hte Mrs, that way, since it started... slipping into a bad daarrk place.

I'm seeing Pain Mgt Dr this afternoon, Ortho in July for structure and Neuro maybe in Sep - LoL first available, for the nerve damage it caused/ing ..

6'1 200-215# for 40 years never got heavy but Jump status, running ~18,000 miles 5 miles a day 3-4 times a week for 35 years did me in.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
8 years since this thread saw light ... been awhile.

Don't know what caused it to get bad again.... but this is by far the most wounded I've ever been. Just prior to the 6 day road trip before Memorial Day to visit the Farm bury my FIL's ashes and then head to my daughters wedding my T2-T5 started being debilitating. 1 ER visit, 2 Urgent cares and bags of mouth poison didn't help.

Raising mt right arm to type this .. feels like an Ice Pick bwteen the blades thru the shoulder and neuropathy in my entre right arm/hand and the muscle relaxers aren't touching it, w 800mg Ranger candy... saw the Cyro a couple times when I got back - no relief. So for three weeks or so I'm useless, can't hardly walk, couldn't hike in CO, can't take my yak out for Red Snapper season in GOM, havn't even loked at hte Mrs, that way, since it started... slipping into a bad daarrk place.

I'm seeing Pain Mgt Dr this afternoon, Ortho in July for structure and Neuro maybe in Sep - LoL first available, for the nerve damage it caused/ing ..

6'1 200-215# for 40 years never got heavy but Jump status, running ~18,000 miles 5 miles a day 3-4 times a week for 35 years did me in.

Damn, hope you get to feeling much better real soon, Stress! Good luck with all your doc visits. I sincerely hope they can getcha taken care of and back to top notch health once again. Take it easy if/whenever you can...
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Dignitary Member
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Spencie beat me to it. Mental note: don't take up running. 🤣

I wonder if stopping the running changed it any? Seems silly, becauae I know there is pounding/jolting associated with it. Most runners I see don't have a pot belly. I'm thinking it is due to the abdominal muscles being worked while running. We know bicep/tricep work together. Hamstring/quadriceps. I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure the stomach/back do as well. Maybe the cure is to start doing some stretching, light running? I don't know. Just a thought. It would do me some good once my feet and knees got used to it again. Good luck figuring it out. Hope the pain subsides in the near future.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I gave up running when I retired, I can definitely tell the toll it all took over the years. Knees and hips mostly. Nothing debilitating but can feel it when stooping down and getting up.

Can’t imagine the debilitating aspect of that. Hopefully I will never get there. Here’s hoping relief in the near future, Stressless…


Active Member
Athens County
Could be temporary. But if it's a bulging disc it may be permanent. In my case, I had sciatica for years. Sometimes it got so bad it would drop me to the floor. After the typical medical dance of PT, chiropractor. epidural, TENS machine etc...I had a discectomy. Best decision ever. It's been 6 years and I get tinges of sciatica now and then (probably nerve damage) but overall I feel great. If sciatica doesn't clear up, you don't have to live with that. Don't be afraid of surgery, it wasn't bad.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Thank you for the thoughts gents.

For 58 years I've gotten away w huge amounts of abuse on this mesomorph frame and so I'm ready to pay the piper- surgery if warranted.

My daughter, the ICU RN, tried to catch a fatty and blew 2 disc's right above the hip bone- she had surgery on the two is doing much much better, so if my lil' girl can do it.. dad sure can.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
No where near ur shoes but i had a ct scan searching for a reaccuring infection which is still a mistery, but revealed a buldging disc in one spot and arthritis in another and lump of something non canceris n my left lung. 37yrs old im guessing ill know ur pain someday. Sorry u are in such pain.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Feet are wimpy. Knees talk to me regularly. Lower back flares up at inopportune times. I'm 47. I don't know your pain, but like J and Bowkills. .. .I suspect I know what is coming eventually. Hoping the wife is still working at the orthopedic center when it is time. Already had one surgery done there. They take care of employees and employee's immediate family pretty fair.


Active Member
Athens County
Wow, that's a bad deal. Hope you can get it straightened out soon. Thanks for the PSA on running and the damage it can do. Not that I was thinking about it but for sure won't be now.
I'll add one more thing (PSA), your body wears out and many of us will end up with back issues. I was 52 when mine let go. I know exactly what I did. I was setting posts and building a wood shed that week and lifting a 100 lb generator in and out of the truck. A week later and I knew I fucked up. So the PSA is lift smart and don't think your Superman. Ask for help. If I'm at Lowes buying cement or something,....have those young dudes load it for you. Back pain can stop you in your tracks from doing almost everything and usually lasts the rest of your life. It's not like a knee or shoulder injury. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! I'll step down from my soap box.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'll add one more thing (PSA), your body wears out and many of us will end up with back issues. I was 52 when mine let go. I know exactly what I did. I was setting posts and building a wood shed that week and lifting a 100 lb generator in and out of the truck. A week later and I knew I fucked up. So the PSA is lift smart and don't think your Superman. Ask for help. If I'm at Lowes buying cement or something,....have those young dudes load it for you. Back pain can stop you in your tracks from doing almost everything and usually lasts the rest of your life. It's not like a knee or shoulder injury. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! I'll step down from my soap box.
I had one bout of a back issue that I would never want too go through again. Hopefully it was a one and done. Took a few minutes too get myself outta bed, just as long too shuffle 20’ too the bathroom, legs shaking and broke out into a cold sweat in the process. That sucked and woke me up about some serious back pain.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
I'll add one more thing (PSA), your body wears out and many of us will end up with back issues. I was 52 when mine let go. I know exactly what I did. I was setting posts and building a wood shed that week and lifting a 100 lb generator in and out of the truck. A week later and I knew I fucked up. So the PSA is lift smart and don't think your Superman. Ask for help. If I'm at Lowes buying cement or something,....have those young dudes load it for you. Back pain can stop you in your tracks from doing almost everything and usually lasts the rest of your life. It's not like a knee or shoulder injury. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! I'll step down from my soap box.
- Were you a Gunny - 'cause that sounds like a Gunny! You are spot on sir.

Last Fri, hurting bad I went my buds for a load of libations (He's 62) two replaced hips and 2 fused vertebra - we had a good natured but somber discussion on That Time....

That Time
you realize you are not bulletproof - that to ask for help isn't a sign of weakness but pridefullness may keep you from doing it.

That Time... usually event driven, you internalize you are not going to take unwarranted risk with farm or everyday chores, ORM if you will, shifting your priorities, extending the deadline, contracting it out, whatever to extend your health / reduce the risk of debilitating injury.

That Time when you know you've crossed a life milestone and you must change your behavior.

Got to a pain mgt doc yesterday and got two harpoons in my back, the fist one was a lil bad, hurt, just a couple sticks by T2... The second one by T4 went into the midst of Dante's Inferno, almost passed out, tears etc and her comment, I love gals like this, " Well, I know we got the right spot that time." MRI scheduled, pain down to 2-3 and on a better glide slope.


Active Member
Athens County
- Were you a Gunny - 'cause that sounds like a Gunny! You are spot on sir.

Last Fri, hurting bad I went my buds for a load of libations (He's 62) two replaced hips and 2 fused vertebra - we had a good natured but somber discussion on That Time....

That Time
you realize you are not bulletproof - that to ask for help isn't a sign of weakness but pridefullness may keep you from doing it.

That Time... usually event driven, you internalize you are not going to take unwarranted risk with farm or everyday chores, ORM if you will, shifting your priorities, extending the deadline, contracting it out, whatever to extend your health / reduce the risk of debilitating injury.

That Time when you know you've crossed a life milestone and you must change your behavior.

Got to a pain mgt doc yesterday and got two harpoons in my back, the fist one was a lil bad, hurt, just a couple sticks by T2... The second one by T4 went into the midst of Dante's Inferno, almost passed out, tears etc and her comment, I love gals like this, " Well, I know we got the right spot that time." MRI scheduled, pain down to 2-3 and on a better glide slope.
Lol....E5 but I've gotten wiser with age. When I got my epidural I was a bit scared...not gonna lie. Who wants a needle thrust into your spine while your awake?! I asked my doc if he could give me something to calm my nerves. Said take one pill....I took 2 1/2 and hardly remember it 😂 I asked if they started and they told me they're done!
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