I'll be 100% honest. If I see a woman with a hyphenated name that isn't doing it because she was born into a famous family where the name is an asset, my first thought is "pretentious cunt". Can't help it. I went to a liberal arts college, so my sample set of women who make that conscious decision is skewed. I watched a professor at a college graduation ceremony with a hyphenated last name, emasculate her husband on stage in front of thousands of people. He was a professor there too.
A good woman loves her man enough to take his name. I'm progressive in a lot of my thinking, but I believe 100% in this despite it being very old school. Not sure I can really point to any one reason as to why either. My wife and I have had this very same conversation and she thinks it it is cunty TOO. Again, her sample set (and opinion) is largely skewed through college and being around me for the last 11 years.
That said, I understand why some people want to do this and I think they should have every right to do so. No doubt there are some exceptional women out there with hyphenated last name; like Chad's soon to be wife. My wife is a nurse as well, however we married 3 months after she started, so there was no need to do it professionally. With her having a good reputation now prior to marrying Chad, that is smart move on her part in some regards.
All in all, my first take on a hyphenated name is not good. However I've matured to the point that I at least give the person a chance to prove to me that this choice doesn't necessarily reflect on their entire nature.