If I was ever to remarry then yes I would have a prenup signed so my kids would receive their fair share.
I have too much to just give it to some new kids.
So the reason for the thread was Jessica is always messing with me. This time she kept saying she was going to hyphenate. Just playing devils advocate as she knows hyphenated names annoy me. I just laughed and told her there wouldn't be a need if that's the case. If a woman can't comity to something like a name she can't commit to you. So anyway she said she thought it was just my deep southern ways and most guys wouldn't care. I told her she was wrong and I bet most guys feel the same way. So I posted it.
My wife just started using her first name. maiden name, and them my last name. I do not care for it. It give s the appearance of a lack of commitment to the marriage. But, there is a always a but you know! After 55 years there are a lot of thing I dislike about our marriage. After that long you'd think I would learn to keep my mouth shut!!!!!! :smiley_blackeye: