It's not just the local police, it's every government agency from A to Z. Look at all the requisition requests these agencies are putting in for guns, ammo, body armor, and armored vehicles and ask yourself why do agencies like the Department of Agriculture, the EPA, or the FDA need military hardware and munitions? DHS and TSA think they can violate our rights with impunity because we happen to be standing in an airport, like the constitution somehow doesn't apply there and people, like sheep, watch, wide awake but half asleep, conditioned and passive. Try that shit with my daughter, I dare you. Eric Holders renewed Domestic Terror Task Force is now calling "right wing extremists" the biggest threat to American security today, I think Mr. Holder and his accomplice in the white house are far more dangerous to our country than anything I've seen come out of America in my lifetime. For a few years now people have been asking, why are all the alphabet agencies militarizing? Who are they preparing to fight against? The answer should be crystal clear now. Anybody who doesn't agree with the liberal agenda is labeled a racist, a potential homegrown domestic terrorist threat or both. All of this should be very alarming.
Meanwhile......On the southern border.........