Seen a flock of 7 turkeys in my food plot tonight. But no small ones with them. Haven't seen any small ones yet this year. All the single hens in the yard feeding have been alone. Might be a bad hatch year due to the wet weather.
Seen a flock of 7 turkeys in my food plot tonight. But no small ones with them. Haven't seen any small ones yet this year. All the single hens in the yard feeding have been alone. Might be a bad hatch year due to the wet weather.
Some of that heavy rain we saw this spring could have had an effect on them. Think someone on here said they saw a nest full of eggs recently? That would be a good indication of failed nests earlier in the year.
Some of that heavy rain we saw this spring could have had an effect on them. Think someone on here said they saw a nest full of eggs recently? That would be a good indication of failed nests earlier in the year.
LOL see, I wasn't crazy after all! So that right there shows the earlier nests likely failed for some reason. If she had chicks at all she wouldn't be taking the time to set on a new nest.