A good neighbor cut my hay today and will round bale it on Friday. Then I'll bring it home from across the road. The one neighbor gives me the hay free and I only have to pay to have it cut and baled. That's about 50% off the cost. He doesn't have to mow so much that way.
I gave the neighbor a free brick of 500 rounds of 22LR today. He said he couldn't find any in the stores and his grandkids are old enough now to shoot. He was tickled.
Good neighbors are hard to find. We had to break in 2 new neighbors across the road in the last 12 months. Told them both we shoot a lot but always safely. They seemed to except that.
I gave the neighbor a free brick of 500 rounds of 22LR today. He said he couldn't find any in the stores and his grandkids are old enough now to shoot. He was tickled.
Good neighbors are hard to find. We had to break in 2 new neighbors across the road in the last 12 months. Told them both we shoot a lot but always safely. They seemed to except that.