Updates. The plots I put in on the other property (small property) a few weeks ago are doing nothing. Haven't had any rain. Deer tracks all over but I think they are just eating the seeds prior to germination.
New farm got disked tonight. I have told my buddy I have serious reservations about it. I just don't think it is going to grow at all. If it does the first frost will kill it out. Even so he is dead set on planting. In the end it is still a good thing. Whether the planting is successful or not, getting it disked and working the ground will help us down the road. It has not been worked in years if it was ever worked at all. I think just working it, letting mother nature plant what she wants and mowing it a few times a year would benefit us. I will try to post a few pics. FWIW, it is not a 4420, it is a 4450. Beautiful piece of equipment which makes my tractor look like a toy. Good to have friends. There are two food plots which look very similar. The one is wider than the other, but both equal in length. We had 3 areas mowed down for plots, but he selected 2 other areas to disk as well. 5 strategically placed plots on a 70-80 acre property should work out for us down the road. Late season food sources are the goals.