You have got to be in the running for most impressive wall Zach. Hate to agree with them as I know you work hard for it, but it truly is perspective. I have been fortunate as well in tagging some nice bucks. To some guys, that is the buck of a life time. I am guilty too so I am not throwing stones while living in a glass house. Just saying, if you're frustrated, change the pace. I had all Sunday to hunt. Morning hunt sucked so I grabbed the 17hmr and shot some squirrels. Most fun I have had in the woods all fall. When the time is right to be in the deer stand, you will know it. Take the pressure off yourself and enjoy it bud. You have no one to keep happy but yourself. If the bucks aren't there, change gears and keep it fun. No sense in sitting there frustrated over bucks which aren't around at the moment.