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Live from the stand!

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Senior Member
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Great night to be out. Here's live from my....front porch lol. This momma and 2 bb ' s came in a little while ago as I was eating an apple on the front porch.


Dignitary Member
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Last 30min made my night. Had a great encounter. Lone doe hung out forever then disappeared. Then two bucks came across the field. One was a shooter for me. The other was pestering him. They went into the woods and one of them came out and offered a 28yd broadside shot. Too bad it was the wrong buck. The big boy was inside the wood line thrashing trees the last 10min of legal shooting light. Good to know he is there. I haven't hung a camera on this property all year. It is my old school property where I am going out with zero expectations and just enjoying hunting. What I learned tonight? My local area is "not quite there yet", but we are getting closer if shooter bucks are exposing themselves in legal shooting hours on a 50-60 degree evening.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I didn't hunt tonight. However, on the way to Mason's basketball practice, I had to stop on a state hwy due to a non-resident from GA sitting in the middle of the road in his super-duty packed with treestands. It appeared he thought if he stopped in the middle of the road and waited, my neighbor (who was busy taking off soybeans) would grant him permission to hunt. :) That is a sure sign the rut is getting close!


Senior Member
I didn't hunt tonight. However, on the way to Mason's basketball practice, I had to stop on a state hwy due to a non-resident from GA sitting in the middle of the road in his super-duty packed with treestands. It appeared he thought if he stopped in the middle of the road and waited, my neighbor (who was busy taking off soybeans) would grant him permission to hunt. :) That is a sure sign the rut is getting close!

Haha wait so you caught this clown attempting to trespass?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I thought I was going to get stepped on as I was getting set up. What sounded like a buck was all over my right side. Had a lone fawn come from behind me & just about busted me after daylight. Then the neighbors dog waddled thru & busted her. Stupid stupid neighbors.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I don't think so. He was watching my neighbor run the combine. I figured he was waiting for him to get close so he could run out and ask for permission.

Good way to get off on the wrong foot real quick lol. I have seen more then one guy do that and totally piss the land owner off. The funny thing up here is the people running the machines don't own the land they only lease the fields for crops lol.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This boy is my age, and he works the land he owns, and it's a bunch. He has his hands full right now as his dad suddenly passed just a couple of months ago. He is about as laid back as a person can be, but I wouldn't be surprised if he would knock a fella off the combine if someone he didn't know jumped up to ask for permission right now... he is busy, busy, busy. I can promise you, if I were in his position currently and someone from GA felt the need to bother me, it wouldn't be a friendly exchange.


Senior Member
I don't think so. He was watching my neighbor run the combine. I figured he was waiting for him to get close so he could run out and ask for permission.

I hear the best time to ask for permission is shortly before the rut, from the highway, with all your gear with you and whilst he's working. Or even on a sunday... lol!
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