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Recloud's 2014/15 season


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
3 sits at 3 different locations 2 hours minimum each sit and still yet to see a single deer. I have not bumped any on the way in or out either. Driving me nuts. I did find out while walking in to the north block the other day that somebody has been riding a dirt bike and quad in the woods and have cleared some trails. Same shit different year I guess. Going to go talk to the landowners that I'm sure don't know and just let them know I have NOTHING to do with the destruction to the property. I will also ask them if there is anything they want me to help with in finding out who it is. I'm pretty sure I already know who it is but I have yet to lay eyes on them. Time to get the trail cams out I guess so I can get some proof.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Need to get this updated.

Went to Strouds and ended up hunting with Diablo Saturday evening with the muzzy. Set in one of his elevated blinds and we chatted for a little while about this and that. Had a small buck walk about 7 yards from the blind and Taylor took a few pics out of the window of him lol. Little while later a doe a popped out so I got ready. She looped around and gave me a closer shot and as she did that another couple doe yearlings followed out of the woods. Long story short version. I flinched and messed up the shot and Taylor gave his a haircut. We tracked blood for a good bit and had to call it off do to a property we didn't have permission on and the lady being a witch lol.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
10/19/14 would be my redemption day.

The wife was heading to her friends house so I figure it would be a good day to head out. It had been windy and rainy for a few days in a row but not today. It was mid 40's with 10-15mph winds that was saying was coming out of the NW but as anybody knows, once you get to the woods the wind comes from every direction it can. Dropped myself off at the property and the wife continued on her way. As I walked the 3/4 miles back to the woods thru a cut bean field it just felt like a good day to be out. As I got closer to the woods at 2:00pm I heard something take off and knew it was deer with all the noise they made and it sounded like more then just one. I walked into the woods and headed into a spot with some blow downs from a storm last summer. With this shoulder giving me an issue this year Rick (xbowguy) was nice enough to let me borrow his xbow so that I could get out and hunt. I can't thank him enough for helping me out and pretty much letting me borrow whatever I needed to get out there. I'm also not allowed to climb so this was going to make the season a SOB to get something on the ground without being able to climb trees lol. As I sat in this blow down I watched squirrel after squirrel digging for acorns and walnuts just to move them 10' and bury them lmao. Crazy things lol.

Around 3:45 I checked in on TOOville and at one point sent a VIEW TOO style in. At about 4:00 I happen to look to my right to catch a glimps of 2 doe about 100 yards out. They started milling around but the wind got me and they started looking. Sure enough the one doe spotted me from about 70 yards out. I was in shock and sent Dante a text telling him about it. He sends one back a little later saying I wouldn't shot a doe anyway. I told him at this point anything that gave me a shot was getting an arrow flung at it lol. Soon after I figure out how she had spotted me from so far away. STUPID me forgot I still had my sunglasses on the bill of my hat. DUMBASS!!! I take my shades off and put them in my pack and figure they ain't coming back. I got up and and started walking and sure enough they start blowing and running around like idiots. I walked a little ways and ended up following one of our dried up drainages back to the north end of the woods just to see if anything would move late evening into the corn field they just cut a couple days ago. Now it is pushing 5:00pm and I found a cut stump on the field edge with a little cover in front of me. Again squirrels and chipmunks everywhere and wind just blowing from whatever direction it wanted.

At 6:00 I happen to notice a doe off to my right about 50 yards. She stops and flips her tail up and heads back he way she came from waving her white flag but not blowing or stomping. I turned so if she came back I wouldn't have to move around a lot given I'm on the ground and all. Few minutes later I see the doe walking back so I get the xbow up and get the crosshairs on her waiting for her to come into the opening. In the scope I see another doe sneak up along side and stand there but neither one will get any closer then the 35 yards. Just then a 3rd doe comes jogging past them and loops out into the field and circles back facing them. I had to switch targets because this new doe was only 20 yards and she was going to nail me and they all 3 would be gone for the 3x today lol. I clicked the safety off and got the crosshairs on her and touched off the trigger. SMACK. Sounded like hitting a pumpkin with that nice hollow thump. She turned and circled back the way they had come and I could see red coming out the off side and knew I made a good shot on her. I set the xbow down and texted Dante again and asked if he could come give me a hand because I just smacked a doe. I then sent Rick a message saying I thought I lost one of his bolts.

While sending texts I went out into the field where I could see the doe was laying about 70 yards from where I shot her. I finally found the bolt about 50-60 yards from where she stood when I shot her. Dave got there and we got her loaded up and back to the house. Got her caped and cut into quarters last night and getting the cuts done now. All in all it was a good day and one that will help a few people including myself. NEVER GIVE UP even if you blow them out just get up and move around a little. They might just come back by like these three did. I did a big horseshoe and ended up killing her about 200 yards from where they spooked from 2hrs earlier and in the opposite direction of the way they took off in.
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Great read! I love your persistence and good job on the move, it certainly paid off for ya. Shooting one from the ground is no easy feat.

Thank you very much. You had a great buck yesterday as well buddy. Congrats to you on that.

Getting a deer into 20 yards is awesome but it is more of an adrenaline rush when your on the ground with them and not in a blind. So many things go thru your head in those split seconds it is almost comical lol. Can't wait to do it again.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Congrats on the doe, you deserved one. Sounds like you had a great little hunt.

I had a good time on that hunt and yet another one I will remember for a long time to come.

The other thing I liked most about the hunt is it shows it can be fun and a person can have a good time in the woods even if it isn't a 140"+ deer your chasing.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Congrats again rc, you did it like an injun! That would be tough.

Thanks buddy. It was a rush and one I would like to do again sometime here soon. Just think about it a minute, I not only beat one but three deer at one of the hardest games in our woods at the same time while on the ground. I didn't think about that until this morning and I'm no great white hunter by any means but that is a good accomplishment if you think about it. These deer are pressured by hunters every year and the yote everyday and to beat them at the game on their level is no small task.

There is only 2 other things that would make it harder IMHO
1) Stalking a deer
2) Doing it with trad gear

I will probably never be able to do either of those in my lifetime (I'm getting old ya know) but if you younger guys started trying it now I could see you guys knocking one down this way.

After reading that I just wanted to say that I'm not trying to sound elitist or anything like that and like I said, I'm by no means a great white hunter.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Thanks buddy. It was a rush and one I would like to do again sometime here soon. Just think about it a minute, I not only beat one but three deer at one of the hardest games in our woods at the same time while on the ground. I didn't think about that until this morning and I'm no great white hunter by any means but that is a good accomplishment if you think about it. These deer are pressured by hunters every year and the yote everyday and to beat them at the game on their level is no small task.

There is only 2 other things that would make it harder IMHO
1) Stalking a deer
2) Doing it with trad gear

I will probably never be able to do either of those in my lifetime (I'm getting old ya know) but if you younger guys started trying it now I could see you guys knocking one down this way.

After reading that I just wanted to say that I'm not trying to sound elitist or anything like that and like I said, I'm by no means a great white hunter.
Fuggin 1%er lol! I've always wanting to shoot a doe from the ground with a bow.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Fuggin 1%er lol! I've always wanting to shoot a doe from the ground with a bow.

Hey now, I took that off my sig line hoping nobody would remember lmao.

Like I said, if you and Taylor tried it I bet you could do it. You guys have more deer down there to chase after. Screw up just move on to another section and try it again. Just keep at it and don't let it get to you if you mess up. It's not easy and you can't do it everyday but it can be done. If my old ass can do it then you young fellas should be able to pull it off with no problem. If and when it happens you will be just as pumped as the very first deer you ever shot.

The only reason those deer came back past me was I did a big U and came back about 200 yards from where they started. They seen me walking south but didn't see me loop and walk back north in that drainage so they just tried to stay away from where they thought I went.

Next time I see you guys I will show you what I did on a map of the property and you guys can see if it works down there.
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Alright, you guys forced me to get another tag with all your "TOO views" and "Live from the stand" posts. I'm not sure how much time I will get this week and into the weekend but Starting Monday I will be getting out almost every day. With turning the clocks back this weekend it will still be dark to sneak into the stand after I drop my son off at school at 7:45 or so. This is the time the big boys start moving and start hitting the ground and for the first time in years I should be there and hopefully get a crack at one.

AM Sits: 0
PM Sits: 5
Hours on Stand: 15
Doe Sightings: 6
Buck Sightings: 0
Doe Shot: 1
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Now that tapatalk is working again I can post some of the other pics from my doe. That hole is from the slick tricks


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