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Live from the stand!

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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had what I'm guessing to be in the 140's 10 walk right under my from behind @ about 845. Scared the crap outta me. Didn't have time to get the camera on him. He was on his way to join a doe that he must have already seen but I did not until he had gone by. Amazing, miles of open country and they can still pop up like mushrooms. I don't think I'll hunt tonight. May take Mason out of school for a few hours in the morning.


You guys think the combo of wind and warm temps has them laid up? Nothing cookin here at all.

For sure! Give it until Friday they should be up and rolling for sure! Possiable snow and a low of 27 on Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday and Wednesday for me coming up and every day it's a perfect NNE wind where I'm at so it should be a great couple days for hunting. Quick question though for anyone that my have a suggestion, so I put corn in my food plot and spread it throughout a 3 foot wide and 6 foot long spot which is 30 yards from both my stands, I was thinking about putting a PVC feeder in a tree to help make the corn last longer and keep it dry, would you guys suggest doing that it or would it cause a discturbance and cause them to be spooked?


Super Moderator
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North Central Ohio
Pretty stiff wind blowing at about 20mph and gusting I would say 25-30mph so I decided to stay in today. I drove around the hunting block and nobody else is out there and no deer moving unless they are back in the river bottom. With these winds it would swirl back there so bad I don't even think the smoker would be helpful. Head out in the morning but can only sit until 11 or so and tomorrow evening is out. This is the windiest fall I can remember where the winds have blown 20+mph as many days as it has this year.


I had what I'm guessing to be in the 140's 10 walk right under my from behind @ about 845. Scared the crap outta me. Didn't have time to get the camera on him. He was on his way to join a doe that he must have already seen but I did not until he had gone by. Amazing, miles of open country and they can still pop up like mushrooms. I don't think I'll hunt tonight. May take Mason out of school for a few hours in the morning.

that's the only kind of scared feeling I like in the woods...sounds like a nice deer to have a close encounter with, can't wait to see what you're setting your sights on!

I still remember your post when you killed your buck last year, prbly one of the best I've read...something like, try the horns, rattled in 2 dragging one out.

Not a "mancrush" either, just have a good memory for cool chit like that!
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Senior Member
We made an executive decision and thought we were gonna do more harm than good by being in the woods with this wind and warmth. So we're gonna scout some trapping ground I have permission to trap this year. Then plan on hitting it hit and heavy again in the morning. Maybe even go to the #2 farm and see what's happenin over there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For sure! Give it until Friday they should be up and rolling for sure! Possiable snow and a low of 27 on Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday and Wednesday for me coming up and every day it's a perfect NNE wind where I'm at so it should be a great couple days for hunting. Quick question though for anyone that my have a suggestion, so I put corn in my food plot and spread it throughout a 3 foot wide and 6 foot long spot which is 30 yards from both my stands, I was thinking about putting a PVC feeder in a tree to help make the corn last longer and keep it dry, would you guys suggest doing that it or would it cause a discturbance and cause them to be spooked?
Honestly? Save your money for school. If they are cruising for does, they could care less. If you are trying to attract does, then maybe. I am hunting pinch points, travel corridors, and known buck cruising lanes.
Sure is Damm windy. Trying out the VS1 my wife got me. We'll see if anything walks past. Hopefully that stud from the other evening is out looking for love. Lol. Good luck guys ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415129325.063126.jpg


Participation Trophy Winner
Nothing since the small 8. Now I'm bored.

Speaking of lights, I bought one of these fancy, super-bright LED lights the other day. I've shined it on three or four deer and every one of them has came unglued! Scares the heck out of them. I'll be going back to the regular old flashlights.
I have had good luck with the streamlight stylus pro led pen light.

Week or two prior to me shooting my buck, I even had him suck into it. I let him come to a out 15' before I said hello one morning.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have had good luck with the streamlight stylus pro led pen light.

Week or two prior to me shooting my buck, I even had him suck into it. I let him come to a out 15' before I said hello one morning.

This thing is just too bright, I think. It hurts to be in front of it, but you can sure see a long, long way with it.
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