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I feel like a rapper! Bling baby!


Senior Member
Bad day for the birds!


Senior Member
Holy hell Kaiser....

Now you realize you won't get a single band next year, right? lol

Well, you know I once thought like that also! But last year I shot 6 bands, thats including the banded swan I shot in NC! ha THis year I had only shot 1 band prior to this past weekend! It was a mallard. Now after this weekend I am up to 4, well 4 leg bands and a collar! I have two weeks of goose left, So I am hoping to get another 2 or 3 goose bands before season is out!

I havent told jesse this yet, but I say we got a pretty good chance of coming home from MO with a snow goose band or two! I say we will knock a few down, but its going to be tough when the time comes to determine who shot them.
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The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
First off that is a great haul of hardware, CONGRATS!! Second, are they worth anything to collectors or what not?? I ran across some demoing a house, they mean nothing to me since I did not kill them. Wondered if I could turn them into cash mutha fucken money???


Senior Member
First off that is a great haul of hardware, CONGRATS!! Second, are they worth anything to collectors or what not?? I ran across some demoing a house, they mean nothing to me since I did not kill them. Wondered if I could turn them into cash mutha fucken money???

Yes, they actually are worth some Jack. A buddy just sold 6 for 65 bucks a piece! He didnt shoot them, and didnt care about them. So he cold them! If you sell em on Ebay, just put them in as Not reported!


Senior Member
Post me up a photo of them! Ild liek to seem em! If they are worn thin on the edges they willbring more moneys!!!!!!


Senior Member
Cool! Can you tell what year they were banded from the band?

On geese in most cases I can. You just look at the prefix number, which is the first 4 numbers! I saw this was a 0958 prefix. From being around quite a few banded birds that were shot I knew this was a 01 or an 02 band. I have shot 0958 etc. Last year I shot a 0948. Which was banded in may of 2000. THe latest bands from this past year were 1048 bands. We had not shot any of them until this past weekend. We actually shot two of them. They ended up being 09 birds. Which I thought they woulda been 2010 birds, but they were not. I suppsoe there are gongi to be left over bands with perfixes from the previous year.

Ducks, they are almost impossible to look at and know. Basicly it is al speculation until ou call it in!


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
The pic sucks but here it is.
One band says:
avise bird band
write washington d.c. u.s.a.
The other says:
avise fish and wildlife service
write washington d.c. u.s.a.


My next question is does anybody know what they are worth?? Who sells on EBAY?? If someone wants to list them for me I'll share in the profits:smiley_chinrub: