Don't be chasing tail without making sure you have your safety on hahha. I killed my first deer ever with a bow last year when I was 18 and have been addicted ever since. As for some "DIY projects" the ammo reloading is a great thing! You can sell it to friends, people you know, or even flea markets and turn profit quick! Or even the fishing stuff that's always great. Another thing that could be fun is getting yourself a inexpensive mallard hen duck call, maybe a Buck Gardner or something under 20 bucks, and start getting good at calling. Just something that is always fun to do on your spare time. Or even find some faded out duck or goose decoys, paint them and sell than on here or on Craigslist. There is always money to be made just have to find it, seams like you got the drive to make it though and that's good.