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Jakes 2014\15 trapping and fur journal


spencerville oh
1 cat today agian . Its starting to get aggravating keeping my canine sets open. I've pulled all but two and I'm cleaning them back up and rewaxing them along with some new ones. I may get some dps out for the warm up time will tell.


spencerville oh
Three today. The boy took pictures of the two biggest ones in the traps today. IMG_20141222_081224.jpg Both was boars one was 19 lbs the other was 21 lbs. The only bad thing is the one was in a fresh canine set i put in yesterday and ruined it. But my boy Jace was pretty excited too see it in the trap and I let him shoot it. Then I was joking with him I told him you caught it you pack it out. And he said ok I will. lol He maid it half way to the truck and says man this thing is heavy. Then I finished carrying it out for him.IMG_20141222_081531.jpg


spencerville oh
Well after having a lot of dug up traps for coyote and fox I'm starting over. I reboiled and re dyed 8 out my dozen canine traps and some new conibears and a few snares since I had the dye pot going. And I even re dyed a few 1.5 coon traps that were a muddy mess. Tomorrow I planning on getting them waxed and after the holidays I'm going to get them out.IMG_20141222_152520.jpg I just hope I haven't educated the yotes too much. I'm thinking I might have to change things up.


spencerville oh
2 more coon todayIMG_20141223_091607.jpgIMG_20141223_103913.jpgthe one played hide and go seek when me and the boy walked up on it. I also got my coyote and fox traps waxed today gonna wait till it freezes up a little and set them. Until then im just gonna concentrate on the coon and maybe look for some more rats.


spencerville oh
No pics today but the boy and I drug 2 more coon out of dps today. And another damn grinner. We hung some snares on some paths heading to a bait pile I put in with the four wheeler for coyotes and pulled all but one leg hold for fox and coyotes. The only traps out now are 7 dog proofs and three blind sets witch are going to be too deep under water I have a feeling in the a.m.