I would like to stand up for Gern. Not sure if I can. I hunting Hocking Co and some of Vinton a few years ago. Compared to Allen/Auglaize counties, it was amazing. I would see dozens of deer every sit. Unbelievable. I could have walked on their heads back to my truck from the stand it seemed. That said, I feel I was in a pocket of good deer. Then again, as I drove around after dark, I saw deer all over. It was amazing. Locally, I used to see at least a few deer in the distance on most sits just a few years ago. Last year and this year, this was not the case. I won't scream Chicken Little "The Sky is Falling" yet, but it is enough to take notice. This year, I saw more bucks than I have ever seen. I feel this is the first indication of the reduction in the herd. With fewer does, there are more bucks searching. I believe I may see a couple more years of amazing buck hunting. The price we will pay for it is reduced number of available bucks in the next few years. More visible, more of them will die. Why are they more visible? Less does. It is a downward spiral. Unless my local area has a reduction in doe kills, I fear seeing what others have complained about.
I will stand up for Gern in saying I fully believe there are pockets of excellent hunting. On the contrary, I am afraid these areas are becoming fewer. In my area, it scares me to see only a group of one or two does here and there. It scares me that I had 25-30 DIFFERENT bucks on camera on a property this year from late October to early December. I am talking about random bucks (big or small) I had never laid eyes on. Was it great? Heck yeah. Is it a sign of reduced does? I am afraid so. Hope I am wrong. I haven't been playing this game as long as most of you. Maybe I shouldn't comment at all. To notice a difference in a 7yr hunting period is scary. I am afraid the depleted deer areas are growing faster than the great pockets of deer areas. I hope it doesn't hit Gern's area. I hope my area rebounds a bit. We never had a ton of deer, but when the groups of 4-6 regulars are now 1-3 deer showing up every third or fourth day. . . Not singing the blues yet, but proceeding cautiously.