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A buck I called Christmas Tree


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm here pretty often but I only comment when someone shoots a big buck….with this crowd thats few and far between<<<<I kid:) I congratulated Rick and Gern on their bucks. Anybody else shoot a big buck this season I missed? I'll gladly hand out congrats
Nope. Other than half the site. There have been many great deer killed. Trophy is in the eyes of the beholder. I have seen many this year. There were a lot of first bucks which is always cool. Gern killed 2 monsters and his son killed a stud. His daughter got her first. Xbowguy shot a pig and put 3 guys on first bucks. Joel got a great first buck. Hortontoter killed a freaking pig. Why am I typing this again? Are you even freaking reading it or are you studying your next deer? I suggest you name him Narcist.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I planted a bunch of pine tree seedlings last year at our land. Maybe they'll grow up someday and I can smoke them. Maybe I'll just set a tree on fire while I'm hunting, remind me in 10 years, I'll be around.


Junior Member
This is idiotic. I remember you killing a handful of nice deer, and everyone I can recall you shot off a cornpile... How does it make sense for you to come off "drawing a line" on what is apparently a favorite and effective tactic for you? If you feel like it's cheating, why do you do it?

Your memory doesn't serve you well

No bait used used on any of those…..^^^^^^now thats ego stroking….LOL
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*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Dude, I don't know you at all but I'm confused about one thing. Why are posting up pictures of your deer on a public site just to get atta boys? You seem pretty good at patting yourself on the back.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
We went and saw American Sniper. Talk about a heck of a good movie. Anyone else seen it yet?

Read the book about a year ago.

At the end of the movie did they show the government murdering him and blaming it on some other soldier with PTSD?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Dude, I don't know you at all but I'm confused about one thing. Why are posting up pictures of your deer on a public site just to get atta boys? You seem pretty good at patting yourself on the back.

That's what he does. Only shows up to post about his outfitting business, what he's doing, the buck he shot etc then disappears again until he has some more self promoting to do. He'll even give an interview to a hunting magazine and talk about how he uses smoke like it's his original idea. Not only will he completely disregard the member here that brought the whole smoke idea to market, but he'll also go so far as to say in the magazine for people to just go buy a cheap bee smoker trying to steer people away from Brock's product.

Shame too because it's a hell of a buck and a good story but I think people are tired of the ego posting.


Junior Member
It works and it's a tactic I use late season…but it does not provide the same feeling of achievement that comes from hunting a deer straight up. I would actually prefer Ohio outlaw baiting and put heavy fines against anyone that breaks the law. I know it may sound like a double standard I'm projecting….but its where I draw the line.

Didn't you start a thread a while back about how you've been so successful baiting bucks with corn? Lol


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
That's what he does. Only shows up to post about his outfitting business, what he's doing, the buck he shot etc then disappears again until he has some more self promoting to do. He'll even give an interview to a hunting magazine and talk about how he uses smoke like it's his original idea. Not only will he completely disregard the member here that brought the whole smoke idea to market, but he'll also go so far as to say in the magazine for people to just go buy a cheap bee smoker trying to steer people away from Brock's product.
Ohhh he's the pine needle smoke guy. Now I get the pine tree jokes. I'm the one who actually posted that article on here. It was in Ohio Game & Fish.

And for the record (in case anybody cares) my smoker came from Brock.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ohhh he's the pine needle smoke guy. Now I get the pine tree jokes. I'm the one who actually posted that article on here. It was in Ohio Game & Fish.

And for the record (in case anybody cares) my smoker came from Brock.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ohhh he's the pine needle smoke guy. Now I get the pine tree jokes. I'm the one who actually posted that article on here. It was in Ohio Game & Fish.

And for the record (in case anybody cares) my smoker came from Brock.

So did mine.

You should be safe. You may have posted the article, but since this post on his thread didn't have a picture of a buck you killed. . . .He won't read it anyway. lol

I appreciate having you here ajupsman. You don't even live in this state and you contribute more than this joker. Good luck in your future hunts Sir!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
The best buck he killed was while he had hunters in camp, right?

Here I will pay you to guide me and I shoot nothing. Yet, you come to camp with a good buck....