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A buck I called Christmas Tree


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Ohhh he's the pine needle smoke guy. Now I get the pine tree jokes. I'm the one who actually posted that article on here. It was in Ohio Game & Fish.

And for the record (in case anybody cares) my smoker came from Brock.

I just caught that. I remember the article and thread now but didn't make the connection. What a dick lol.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So now he's banned here for two weeks ? That just came across FB.

Ten days.

To those that don't know. TOO is member moderated. Meaning Redcloud (mod) or the admins (Jesse and I) don't ban anyone. There are about 25 longstanding original founding members here that have the ability to issue warning infractions. If enough warnings are received the person receives a temporary ban. In the 4 years this site has been active it's only happened three times that I can remember. In this instance there's a lot more history here with this situation than most may realize by reading just this post. Shame really as corry has a lot to offer and kills some good deer. I just think many that have been here long enough to see the pattern of that history are tired of his self servant methods. TOO means a lot to a lot of people, and through TOO they have done a lot of selfless things for a lot of people. People that give of themselves and see TOO as a kindred brotherhood of hunters don't take to kindly to being used for selfservant reasons.


Junior Member
Pretty sure the 2yr old he posted is the only buck his paying customers have killed so far.
Actually i believe two years ago his paying clients killed nothing. At least thier guide killed "the shocker" in his rookie season of guiding paying clients. Last year his paying clients were able to kill a few dinkers. Not sure what the guide was able to get. Just wanted to see the type of good bone this boneracres has produced for thier paying clients......if any since being established. All that I see is him pumping his ego on every site like this that he can get free advertising. This back fire thread reminds me of his 1000 inches of antler in one season thread that he had on archery talk. He was not part of one single inch but used it as a way to pump boneracres.


Tatonka guide.
Ten days.

To those that don't know. TOO is member moderated. Meaning Redcloud (mod) or the admins (Jesse and I) don't ban anyone. There are about 25 longstanding original founding members here that have the ability to issue warning infractions. If enough warnings are received the person receives a temporary ban. In the 4 years this site has been active it's only happened three times that I can remember. In this instance there's a lot more history here with this situation than most may realize by reading just this post. Shame really as corry has a lot to offer and kills some good deer. I just think many that have been here long enough to see the pattern of that history are tired of his self servant methods. TOO means a lot to a lot of people, and through TOO they have done a lot of selfless things for a lot of people. People that give of themselves and see TOO as a kindred brotherhood of hunters don't take to kindly to being used for selfservant reasons.
. On some other sites you will notice that they all have the same signature line on all the posts (if the original post is even allowed to stay up). Especially in the whitetail deer section .... Every post there ends in "last edited by Mrex"rotflmao


*Supporting Member*
Well, thank you Phil, for mentioning this thread in a different one. I had missed the whole thing. Interesting to say the least. :smiley_chinrub:


Staff member
Glad I post on a somewhat regular basis.

That's not the issue.

The issue is Corey's track record of showing up on multiple forums when it best suits him. He never posts here unless he can promote himself or something he's involved with. Same for his posts on OS and AT. It's nothing to do frequency, but flavor.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's not the issue.

The issue is Corey's track record of showing up on multiple forums when it best suits him. He never posts here unless he can promote himself or something he's involved with. Same for his posts on OS and AT. It's nothing to do frequency, but flavor.

Agreed 100%. Not everyone has to loiter and babble on like I do. (Thankfully, not everyone does. haha) Infrequent postings are perfectly fine. Showing up to ruffle feathers, self promote, or steal ideas from others and post them on other websites as "your information" is crap. Sharing an idea on how to hunt is one thing. Taking credit for something like the Scent Smoker or a DIY antler trap one of our members shared is deceptive. He has done such things.


Senior Member
It works and it's a tactic I use late season…but it does not provide the same feeling of achievement that comes from hunting a deer straight up. I would actually prefer Ohio outlaw baiting and put heavy fines against anyone that breaks the law. I know it may sound like a double standard I'm projecting….but its where I draw the line.

You draw the line where? Your so full of yourself it's unreal. Really thought you had something going with the blog and the great story's. Now I would compare you to any one else with a bone collector sticker on there back glass. Take it for what it's worth.


Coshocton, OH
Seeing how you have kinda become the "ohiobooners" of TOO, the best thing you could probably do is admit your activity on here has been less than subpar, contribute positively, and move forward on a good note. The regulars on here would let it go if you did that. If you can't own up and do that and make some changes, peacing out of here is probably your best option.