Seeing how you have kinda become the "ohiobooners" of TOO, the best thing you could probably do is admit your activity on here has been less than subpar, contribute positively, and move forward on a good note. The regulars on here would let it go if you did that. If you can't own up and do that and make some changes, peacing out of here is probably your best option.
Actually i believe two years ago his paying clients killed nothing. At least thier guide killed "the shocker" in his rookie season of guiding paying clients. Last year his paying clients were able to kill a few dinkers. Not sure what the guide was able to get. Just wanted to see the type of good bone this boneracres has produced for thier paying clients......if any since being established. All that I see is him pumping his ego on every site like this that he can get free advertising. This back fire thread reminds me of his 1000 inches of antler in one season thread that he had on archery talk. He was not part of one single inch but used it as a way to pump boneracres.
Corey I don't really know you much other than what I've seen here now and then. After looking back I can see where you have posted in other's threads and given some effort to lend a comment when you had time. As far as your time here and frequency of posting, I can understand when a person has things that keep them away from forums. Family, work and life in general can get in the way. Not feeling as if you are welcome is another. So I won't say anything about your time here and whether you are a quality poster for the growth of the forum.
I don't care for the bashing part of it but I can understand many's frustration when you claim you "didn't know" when it came to the Scent Smoker and that you were stealing someone's picture as you stated above. Those little instances of "not knowing" are what can define you here and elsewhere as being self serving. You clearly do have a knack for writing and I enjoy what you have written in the past, however there is one thing you are missing. I learned back in the days of technical report writing in college, give credit where credit is due and namely if it isn't something of YOUR OWN experience you need to state where you got the information from. Call it naming references, call it naming your sources, etc. By not giving that credit it gives people the impression you will do anything to give yourself that pat on the back and there is no way you can do that without it negatively impacting your reputation. One thing I've learned through life is once you tarnish your reputation you will always be under a microscope. People may forgive but most won't forget. That's the nature of the beast and until you look from the outside-in and evaluate what so many are telling you, you will continue to struggle to get your peer's respect. Maybe you had a lapse in judgement maybe you don't give two shits what others think and you will do what you have to do to get your name out there. I don't know, but after all of the 'calling you out' that has been done here it's obvious that your actions from here forward will certainly show us the kind of person you are.
The water is over the dam and tomorrow is a new day.
Now let's talk about what we all love....and that's deer and deer hunting......that's the reason we're all here.
I've did that. I've owned up to not being much of a contributor. Since then I stop by occasionally and post when I see something that tickles my fancy. Saying quote "He never posts here unless he can promote himself or something he's involved with." is a bunch of BS. Just look at my post history and that is a false statement. I admit when I was on the TP staff I used this place to pimp and promote. Since I was told that is was not liked I have not done that a single time. The issue with the scent smoker…never even knew that ruffled feathers. Guess I could have gave Brock a plug for his product but it never crossed my mind. Then their is the issue with "stealing" the shed antler trap idea….IMO that was a great blog I wrote. I did a google search and took the images that best fit what I was trying to see and put together a conglomerate of ideas….I had no idea I "stole" someones image from TOO.
The reality is, this goes back a long, long time and I can't change the minds of the masses here. If the leadership starts a lynch mob then the flock will follow. This post started out with congrats and got steered of course as soon as Jesse bashed me….thats all it took and I was fair game. Whats wrong with a guy only posting occasionally and sharing his harvest….why is that ego stroking? I'm not the douche canoe I'm painted out to be….I'll see ya at the next TOO function.
Maybe I'm mistaken but I took it as he was simply stating he'd be at the next function to prove he's not in fact a "douche canoe." I don't think he was trying to threaten anyone.First, please specify what you mean by "I'll see ya at the next TOO function." I am curious as to what you mean. You took my post and responded to it about many other issues you are having on here that are not pertaining to what I wrote. I made a joke about you being "ohiobooners" of TOO because you are getting blasted on here like that dude on AT. I offered suggestions about moving forward positively on here, and I am the one you are coming at ?
Maybe your right JB, that could be taken a couple ways, that's why I asked to specify. Lol.Maybe I'm mistaken but I took it as he was simply stating he'd be at the next function to prove he's not in fact a "douche canoe." I don't think he was trying to threaten anyone.