If you can climb hills, big freaking hills it is a lot of fun. I would not go there to shoot a deer but for hogs, hell yea!! Why not? If I went to a butcher shop I would pay more and it is so much fun. I had Hogs running around me but I did put it for this big boy. Average weight is around 200 pounds but this one was 500+ and last time I was there I shot a 650+ plus he that was third in the country and in the record book for his tusk length. And no it is not a small pen, it is 100's upon 100's of acres. I was sucking wind climbing those hills.
As I said I would not hunt deer but Hogs, yupper!!!!! :smiley_bbq:
As I said I would not hunt deer but Hogs, yupper!!!!! :smiley_bbq:
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