I watched your two videos posted earlier on a rabbit hunting thread and I can honestly say I was shaking my head afterwards. Someone had posted thinking you were a bit unsafe in your hunting methods. That was a big understatement in my opinion. Your methods in the video borderline criminal and if anyone in that hunting party happened too be injured and an investigation team got hold of the video you'd have reckless endangering charges pending against you.
You need too seriously look at your hunting methods and see it is for what it is...... A slaughter of what ever is in front of you and happened too be in season.....
I have rabbit hunted for decades and have never came across a more disturbing video that is touted as legitimate hunting..... I'd delete all evidence of the video and rethink your actions and those of your friends. I can't believe you, as a group would allow this too go on and video it as well and then think it was okay too market..... I bit my tongue and said nothing earlier as I thought maybe it was just me being too critical but after reading the comments I gotta say y'all need too regroup and talk this over amongst yourselves and come too the conclusion y'all made a mistake in your thought process.......
Good luck......