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Rabbit hunting DVDs


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can see how the behavior could be misinterpreted and we do respect the animals we hunt. I pray to god after every hunt thanking for the animals we were able to take. But calling our hunting methods "borderline criminal"? Are you serious?
I tried to watch the videos and give you the benefit of a doubt. I started my career by busting brush and hunting bunnies without dogs. But guess what, everything the members here have said is true and your footage is total shit. You should be embarrassed for even bringing that garbage to our attention. And I don't believe for one fucking second that anything you stated above in quotes is true. If you truly respected these animals you wouldn't laugh and carry on like little school girls when you blast one 2 ft in front of you. When you pray to God thanking him, do you thank him for providing the feeling of that "lifeless body in your hands" like your buddy in the video said?

You and your videos disgust me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
After 3 attempts to express my disgust then deleting it I will simply agree with jagermeister.
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After watching the videos, your juvenile screen name here makes perfect sense...

One more thing....it doesn't matter if you do it safely (somehow) 100 times, it only takes one time for someone to get hurt or killed or end up on the news...and God knows, we don't need any more bad news fueling the anti's.

why don't you guys wear any orange...i hunt rabbits by myself and even wear at least an orange hat! I don't know what the hell the neighbors are doing around, but i at least hope that if they are shooting something too, they have enough sense to not shoot if orange is behind their target.


Tatonka guide.
There are only two reasons people don't wear orange rabbit hunting and neither of them are good. Your either not supposed to b hunting where you are or you have little regard for your or someone else's life. I'm grading that since you showed a shot of a no tresspassing sign and giggled at it's obvious..


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I tried to watch the videos and give you the benefit of a doubt. I started my career by busting brush and hunting bunnies without dogs. But guess what, everything the members here have said is true and your footage is total shit. You should be embarrassed for even bringing that garbage to our attention. And I don't believe for one fucking second that anything you stated above in quotes is true. If you truly respected these animals you wouldn't laugh and carry on like little school girls when you blast one 2 ft in front of you. When you pray to God thanking him, do you thank him for providing the feeling of that "lifeless body in your hands" like your buddy in the video said?

You and your videos disgust me.

You know shit got real when you make JB drop an F bomb.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Nasty, I think everyone has beat on you pretty good. I will just add that you talked about how you learned this from your grandpa, if this is true,you should think about what everyone is saying and try to teach the youngsters who hunt with you the proper way to hunt rabbits. When Jesse talked about being in a bubble, I understood exactly what he meant. Sometimes people grow up in a culture and that's all they know. I believe you really did not realize how others would be offended by what you considered normal. I only hope you can try to truly learn from this and realize it's not the way to be nor the right way to teach the next generation. I think if you try to be more of a sportsman when rabbit hunting you would appreciate the challenge and might find it more enjoyable. If you want some real fun, pick up a 410 and try to bag a few. Great challenge and much better on the table. That's just my take on this thing.....I hope you get it.
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Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Nasty, I think everyone has beat on you pretty good. I will just add that you talked about how you learned this from your grandpa, if this is true,you should think about what everyone is saying and try to teach the youngsters who hunt with you the proper way to hunt rabbits. When Jesse talked about being in a bubble, I understood exactly what he meant. Sometimes people grow up in a culture and that's all they know. I believe you really did not realize how others would be offended by what you considered normal. I only hope you can try to truly learn from this and realize it's not the way to be nor the right way to teach the next generation. I think if you try to be more of a sportsman when rabbit hunting you would appreciate the challenge and might find it more enjoyable. If you want some real fun, pick up a 410 and try to bag a few. Great challenge and much better on the table. That's just my take on this thing.....I hope you get it.
Good call Jim!