The governments worst fears is the populace having a common weapon platform. Especially one with interchangeable parts and cheap availability of ammunition. To them they see it as a battle rifle. Every organized military force in the world had a standard caliber. For our military thats predominately the 5.56 and 9mm. If an uprising happens it's far easier to quell if the weapons being used are all over the map with caliber and type. It's even a bigger concern because they themselves use the same caliber and weapon type. This means if an armed populace goes on the offensive, captured weapons, ammunition, and parts will work in the populaces weapon platform. It also makes it easier for those bands of gorillas to share mags, optics, accessories and parts. A large group of gorillas with a standard weapon platform can stay in the fight far longer than a group with rag tag weapons, ammunition, and parts. In a firefight if you have a 7mm mag and the guy beside you a 45-70. If he runs out of ammo he can't grab a mag from you and stay in the fight. Thats a weapon down and a man out. If his gun malfunctions he can't pick up his dead buddies and continue using his own mags and ammo. They're scared of it for tactical reasons. It's not that the country is getting ready for armed conflict against their government. But by happenstance we're standardizing on a common weapon platform, the only thing they can do right now to stop it is hamper the availability of ammo. They tried the guns, they tried the mags, they're now trying the ammo.