Opened the garage door for extra light to get my clover out for frost seeding. There were 6 long beard Toms walking across my front yard 50 yds. out. Probably headed to look for corn in the cow pies in the front pasture.
im taking the wife and daughter to tennesse for the weekend, i told them i would take them down to see and meet everyone before i go down too turkey hunt, my wife doesnt know that we will be out scouting and talking to some of the landowners while were down there hope she brings her walking boots i have a feeling she will not be impressed lol.
Amen to that. I never used one till last year and learned with tapes on my commute. I got some funny looks at stop lights when it was warm and I had my windows down yelping and cutting lol Killed a bird opening day using it too.
I commute 2-5 hours every day depending on where I go. There are turkey, duck and goose calls in my truck. Love seeing people look around at stoplights.