Why is it when I go to Walmart I get stuck behind every old person pushing their shopping cart like they are totally lost and stopping every 10 ft blocking the whole freaking area. ? :smiley_chinrub:
I hate it when you go into Walmart and there is a thug with his young girlfriend using the electric wheelchair cart so the people that need them don't have them available. You are not handicapped. You are just lazy. By the way, you are not a pimp. You don't need to carry a pimpstick.
To follow up: I hate it when someone has a handicap sticker because they are fat. Maybe if you would go walk a bit you wouldn't be so fat.
I hate it when Billybob the fatass sits in his truck chain smoking while his wife gets out and runs into the store. He sits there in the fire lane or taking up a handicap space because he/she is lazy.
I also hate seeing the elderly person empty their cart and push the cart to the corral through the snow from their non-handicap space because Billy Bob fatass is taking up the handicap spaces. I also hate it when some 20yr old puke is too lazy to walk the 10yds to put their cart away.
I hate seeing a $60k vehicle with union stickers all over it parked in the handicap space.