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Week 1 of retirement


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Went out Friday night and had dinner with my nephew his brother and my BIL, had a good meal a few drinks and one hell of a lot of good conversations lol.... We ended up spending four hours at the restaurant when it was all said and done and if I didn't have too up at 0415 we'd of probably closed the place lol.... My nephew has been in the navy for 10 years and gets home roughly every other year as the bulk of his 10'years has been in SE Asia.....

That alarm went off way too early Saturday morning and after a few cups of coffee I was hitting on all cylinders lol.... My fishing partner lives the next block over and he was sitting on my porch with boat cover off and ready too go lol... We took off hit Sheetz and met up with some other friends and left outta there heading north too Erie.... Arrived there @ 0630 and the blast off was @ 0700 wind was outta the SW and we had a decent drift with the aid of a drift sock.... (It slows the boat down) we had numerous fish all in the 3lb range and our biggest was 3lb 12 ounces which got us the win for the morning, he afternoon fish was 3lb 3 ounces and our total was 2 ounces less then the overall winner.... We won the morning round but lost the afternoon round by a pound.... So we left with a check and smiles even though the total would of been nice as well lol....

Had a nice dinner with my wife Saturday evening and was sleeping on the couch by nine after have a small fire in the burn pit and a tumbler of JD Honey.... Woke this morning at 0800 and had waffles with the wife and started looking at a tire on her car that's loosing air.... Nothing obvious so it needs broke down and cleaned and reseated is my guess.... I'll get that done in the morning....

Starting a retaining wall project here at the house this week so I'll be breaking out the shovel once again and moving a hillside a little farther back too add the landscape brick.... Stay tuned lol.....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Where too begin???

Great weekend with both fishing and spending time with my better half.....
Woke up Monday and walked the dog and was sitting on the front porch staring at a landscape timber retaining wall and went too the garage and got out the tools of he trade.... 4 hours later.... Wall removed and hillside peeled back for the start of a block wall.... Stopped at Home Depot and the bricks are being delivered Friday morning and hopefully will start sometime this weekend either before or after my tourney on lake Milton..... Body has some aches and pains but not unbearable.....

Last night I was sitting on the front porch visualizing what I had left too do when I get a text from my son.... He's stationed in SC and it was a picture....
He's been with his girlfriend for over 2 years and he's said I'm asking her tomorrow.... She said yes.... Very happy for them both.... So sometime next year we'll beheading to SC for hot heir wedding lol.... He's very happy so I'm very happy.....

Well here's some pics of the excavation as well.....



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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Congrats to you and your son.

Glad to see I'm not the only "city slicker" deer hunter on this site.

That was our 5 year house, stay in it 5 years and then move on....... That was 25 years ago...... rotflmao But on the bright side I haven't had a mortgage payment in 18 years..... :smiley_clap:
Great minds think alike. I've been in this house for 23 years. Made the last payment 21 years ago. I had a home that was paid for, but a divorce made me have to sell it. My half went as a down payment on the one my wife and I own now. The down payment was 90 % of the cost of the house we own now. We've had a lot of good times with money we could have spent on a newer and larger house. And the money we invested over the years has made our retirement all we could have ever wished for.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am sure you were planning on digging it out for a 6" compacted base and compact the base to 2x the depth of the blocks. Depending on the number of rows, and necessity of structural integrity (or not) you planned on running drainage tile behind the wall. lmao

I am teasing of course. Great post J. I have enjoyed seeing the process of retirement settle in. I think it will help many of us in the next 10-20-30yrs. I suppose there would have to be a mental strategy to retire AND enjoy it. You can't just stop doing what you have done every week for 25-30yrs without some sort of mental curveball to deal with.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Great minds think alike. I've been in this house for 23 years. Made the last payment 21 years ago. I had a home that was paid for, but a divorce made me have to sell it. My half went as a down payment on the one my wife and I own now. The down payment was 90 % of the cost of the house we own now. We've had a lot of good times with money we could have spent on a newer and larger house. And the money we invested over the years has made our retirement all we could have ever wished for.

Dick, we have done basically the same.... Now it's time too enjoy the fruits of our labor...... :smiley_coolpeace:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Congrats to your family on your son's proposal!! Love to see the continued projects....you aren't getting sedentary that's for sure!! LOL

Exactly Chuck.... The first couple of days I was thinking now what.... And then I just started looking at things I've always wanted too do and didn't have the time too start it..... Now I do.....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I am sure you were planning on digging it out for a 6" compacted base and compact the base to 2x the depth of the blocks. Depending on the number of rows, and necessity of structural integrity (or not) you planned on running drainage tile behind the wall. lmao

It's just gotta last a year or so then I'll let the next owner worry about it Phil..... rotflmao My son has a buddy who is a brick layer and I'm doing the laboring for him on this... He's done many of these type of walls and he gave me the directions and I'm just following his lead.... So far it's down too where he's needing it, the fine tuning on depths are too follow... Drainage isn't a big deal out there so much as making sure it's level and glued down securely..... Back filling it with sand and then topsoil and landscape stone then the wife takes over with the decorating lol....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, been really busy.... Got the retaining wall almost complete and dirt is leveled on one side and almost ready for seed....




The wall on the right side of the picture just needs too glue down the top row and then level with the dirt.....
Been a longer project due too the weather fronts moving thru, can't glue with wet bricks lol.....

Took a break last Sunday too fish a tourney on lake Milton and ended up cashing a check with third place outta 33 boats so it was a good day.... Fished with a buddy of mine who I haven't shared a boat with in years.... He didn't catch any keepers but it was still a good day on the water with him..... We've known each other since 79 and have been hunting and fishing together since.....
Heading too South Carolina the 19-26 of July too spend some beach time with my son and his fiancé..... Should be a great week, we're also stopping by Atlanta too see my sister and brother and their families..... Looking forward too the road trip.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
LOVE reading this update. Wall looks great J. Glad your fishing trip went well. Sounds like a nice trip south is planned as well.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Thanks Phil, I'll feel a lot better when the last layers glued down lol.... Labor intensive and a mo of fun was had building it, a good friend of my sons helped me do it, he and Ryan went too preschool together and he's always been around here while growing up.... Good kid and great too shoot the shit with while working lol.... Plus he's got my taste in beer lol....