*Supporting Member*
I have not a problem with gays, they are free and can do as they wish. They are allowed their opinions as am I . They preach tolerance and equality and get yanked off when people disagree. Like I said I have no problem nor do I wish anything bad for them, but I to am an American and have the right (for now) to disagree and that don't make me or anyone else who disagrees some kind of monster.
You'd get "yanked off" as you say too if you had to go through life not feeling the same as everyone else and being put down because of it. Thank your lucky stars that you were born straight and have been accepted by society. You do have the right to an opinion and I haven't seen anyone label you a monster. Have you ever been cornered by a bunch of gays and had your ass beat because you were straight? No, right? I'm so sick of reading the reasons people don't agree with gay rights.
People tiptoe around things and say they have no issues with gays just to be politically correct as gay bashing isn't accepted in society anymore, but inside they are hate mongering bigots.