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Sad Day For America


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Very interesting thoughts shared on this topic.
I agree with both Dan and Brock on their feelings on this matter. Joe had some good points as well.
I think we all need to humble ourselves and not judge others, for we will be judge ourselves by our Lord and Savior.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It is interesting to read the views expressed here. I think Dan hits the nail on the head for the most part. I believe the time frame one was raised in has a lot to do with how one perceives society today.

I think from here on out I'll just keep my old man thoughts to myself and just post threads in the trail camera section.

Don't do that, please. We're free and open to express our feelings here.
I second that - please hang in there and be part of the conversations.

Nope Dick you need to still have your opinion and still voice it, this thread with everyone's views and how we all are handling it shows how it sparks good conversation.
Seriously, one of the things that I value most about this fellowship is that we have serious discussions with different viewpoints.
I personally don't really have that alot in my social circles, they don't lend themselves to debate or thoughtful discussion. We all need to hear different viewpoints and process them.

Dick, I'd feel bad if you would relegate yourself too just that thread.... Everyone's opinion matters on this site.... Join in and give your perspective on any subject....

This subject can be judged looking thru 3 different lenses - Religious, moral, and political. A lot of people think those things can't mix.
It's kinda like handling big fireworks - do it right, and the outcome can be something awesome and spectacular. Do it wrong....boom


*Supporting Member*
Anyone need a beer? :smiley_coolpeace:



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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Several thoughts here.

One: Brock and Dan and Joe and many of you make excellent points.

Two: it is a slippery slope. Not because gays can marry, but due to the erosion of our govt.

Three: Dick better keep posting everywhere. His view is recognized by many on here silently and because this site has the unique ability to disagree while respecting the opinions of others (even if the people feel differently.) Also because there is a large majority who will never realize this opinion is/was/has been/will be the opinion of a large portion of our population for decades IF it is not still shared. To understand our future we must know our past. Doesn't mean you have to like where we are going. In Badger Dale's case I feel the same way. Keep posting. Your opinion may not sit well with all but it is respected even if someone doesn't like it. It is the direction we are going.

4) I stand by teaching my kids right from wrong and leading by example. I still think the gay community is a small percentage and in regards to media/TV shows is being crammed down our throats. At the end of my time, I won't be the one judging everyone else so I won't do it now. I don't have to agree with something to respect it. The older I get, the more I realize I simply don't understand it. Then again, the older I get the more I understand it. Weird?

Five: as I get older and understand more, I am
more enlightened. We are raising a child who would have been a ward of the state until 18 if we had not brought him into our home. I have seen him progress a ton. Were he not brought into a loving home, he would still be throwing fits and not progressing. He would have been destined for penal or mental institutions the rest of his life. Best case scenario he would live off the system and avoid prison or mental institutions. As it stands, the boy has a chance because WE gave him a chance. If a couple of gays who love each other and are in a committed relationship want to give a chance to a child by adopting them, then I feel it is better than the life/future of most children in the system who go without being adopted. My cousin is openly gay. I don't agree with it but I respect it. He and his partner just adopted a 16yr old boy and gave him a chance. I commend them. The kid was screwed up and has made advancements in a short time period. Who am I to judge that one?

I have opened my mind over the years. I used to be anti gay. Maybe even a hater. Definitely a basher. Never beat any up though (Dale that was for you to LOL brother.) As I mature as a person AND a Christian, I have gotten much better at loving my brothers and sisters. Loving my neighbors (literally as my neighbors are lesbians). I openly admit to accepting people of any color or sexual orientation. I also openly admit I am not at ALL accepting to child molesters or Muslims. Muslims hate all us Christians. BUT. . . I can admit this about myself with no apologies at this time in my life. Maybe later (except molesters), but not right now.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Our Pastor has a sit down moment with us Sunday. We are a small congregration, maybe 30 people today. But he sat and explained he wanted to have a heart to heart about this issue. He just explained that the decision last week has no bearing on our ability to gather and worship. Has no bearing on us to still wake up and try to serve God. And he finished by saying that if a Gay couple walked into our Church to worship that he would hope we would welcome them. And if a person of any ethnicity walked in they would be welcomed too. I thought it was a great job by him to hold that conversation without stating or having anyone expressing their views on the subject