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Sad Day For America

If any of you think this is only about gay marriage you need to open your eyes, it's a big test and a giant win for creating law for the whole country from the judge's bench. If Obama or any president for that matter cannot get Congress to act and do things they way they want then they have better odds with a 5/4 split every time!

Bingo! This is just one of many distractions. While this and the flag issue was being pushed, Obama took it upon himself to sell us out to big foreign bankers. He continues to divide this country and people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. United we stand, divided we fall.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Bingo! This is just one of many distractions. While this and the flag issue was being pushed, Obama took it upon himself to sell us out to big foreign bankers. He continues to divide this country and people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. United we stand, divided we fall.
I've been trying to stay out of this because this is exactly what I think is going on. Racism has never been higher in my 35 years and it's now the other way around. White hate crime is ok though...
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Junior Member
East Ohio
My impression is simple, a specialty group is trying to rip off money by saying they are "married". they want the deduction on their 1040, they plan to ripoff social security benefits, get free healthcare from some who works for a living. They also think they can now adopt children and brainwash them about the queer lifestyle. Just who in the television industry demands every show has persons acting out the gay lifestyle?

and thanks to all the dumocrats who voted for the ahole in the whitehouse


Senior Member
compared to the 50 million people who are ripping off taxpayers with their EBT cards and getting free health care, I'd say gays ripping off us hardworking taxpayers is an irrelevant drop in the bucket. All the gay people I know, which isn't many, have real jobs and pay real taxes just like I do.

like many of you, every time some stupid BS like this goes down and the media lives on it for days, I wonder what it is that I'm being distracted from? we have much bigger worries than homosexuals getting "married". the asshole in the White House is only one part of the sham that is our political system. circling the drain, we are indeed.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
The illegality of our justice system is the real problem here. As a "new christian" that is still learning the bible, I dont have a problem with homosexuals getting married. It's not my place to discriminate against them for loving who they love. I dont think churches should be hated on for not marrying them or recognizing it. It shouldnt mean a damn thing to them being recognized by religion or not.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
None taken Sam, and the same goes for me. I got a bit hot headed and I apologize to anyone I might have offended.

No sweat Dale, it's a subject that's stirs emotions on either side....

I've been reading a lot of opinions and staying quiet on the subject.... That's my stance on it....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I come from about as conservative background as anyone can. My parents were extremely strict, if the doors of our church were open, we were there. In most families, I would be considered a saint, in mine, I've always been the black sheep. With that said, I could care less about marriage, any marriage. I have seen a bunch of "church folks" on FB preaching the sanctity of marriage. Funny, they point out the union of marriage is a sacred thing between two people and God... to which I agree. However, these same people are on marriage number 2 or 3... WTF! If they held their marriage so sacred, they would have taken the first union a little more seriously! A state-recognized marriage is nothing more than a contract that is easily broken. If gays want to enter into that contract, go for it. I couldn't give a shit. In fact, do it and shut up about it. I've never thought it was necessary to march up and down main street to announce I'm into the opposite sex, and if I ever did, I'd expect for others around me to point out that was weird behavior.... I don't think I'd accuse them of hating me for pointing out the obvious.

My daughter has had all the liberal bs pumped into her head through all the usual outlets. She is happy for the gays.... yay. I don't care. She and I talked about what I feel a marriage should be VS what it has become in our current society, and I'll try to convey my thoughts here if only to outline them for myself; Marriage is a PIA most days. I can't tell you how many times if I'd found my wife dead, it would have been the start to a good day... she has felt the same more times than I'd care to know. Some days, I still enjoy her company... in small doses, and sometimes a little longer. The fact is, marriage is the foundation of family, and family is stability in a POS world. Kids that grow up without both parents in the same home to give an over-all positive influence are at a disadvantage, IMO. Looking at our society today, I don't know how anyone could argue that point. In our vowels, I recall "for better or worse, till death us do part"...and I recall several times I thought things couldn't get any worse, and death didn't seem all that bad... but we are still together, and still honor those vowels, and we have two great kids that I believe will be great adults someday... people I can be proud to have had a hand in raising.

Being married, to me, is an agreement between KR and I that we will stay on the same team, for the most part, and do our very best to do our earthly duties for our family. I know for a fact, if we did not make this agreement over 20 years ago, one of us, or both, would have just kicked the whole deal aside during some of those darker days. Looking to the future, if we are lucky enough to live long enough to see our house become an empty nest, I imagine we will once again enjoy each other a bit more since our focus will not be so child-intensive. That's a guess of course...

I personally don't believe gays want the right to marry so they can legally make the kind of commitment my wife and I have made, and stuck to. I think they want the right to marry simply to feel it is a publicly accepted lifestyle...which to ME, it NEVER will be, but my opinion matters to no one but me, so I'll keep it to myself for the most part.

They way the court pushed this nonsense through, or even so it with enough priority to look at it, is troubling. But, like most everything else that seems to be going on in the world, everything seems the polar opposite of what I think it should be. Perhaps I'm a dying relic of thought, but that's OK, I'm still well armed enough to think however the heck I want!

And if whomever reads this nonsense does not agree with me, I'm OK with that. Don't think for a minute that I'll hate you because our thoughts differ, but don't make the mistake of thinking I care if you hate me because of mine. If any of us here feel we can't share our thoughts, why are we here?


Staff member
I come from about as conservative background as anyone can. My parents were extremely strict, if the doors of our church were open, we were there. In most families, I would be considered a saint, in mine, I've always been the black sheep. With that said, I could care less about marriage, any marriage. I have seen a bunch of "church folks" on FB preaching the sanctity of marriage. Funny, they point out the union of marriage is a sacred thing between two people and God... to which I agree. However, these same people are on marriage number 2 or 3... WTF! If they held their marriage so sacred, they would have taken the first union a little more seriously! A state-recognized marriage is nothing more than a contract that is easily broken. If gays want to enter into that contract, go for it. I couldn't give a shit. In fact, do it and shut up about it. I've never thought it was necessary to march up and down main street to announce I'm into the opposite sex, and if I ever did, I'd expect for others around me to point out that was weird behavior.... I don't think I'd accuse them of hating me for pointing out the obvious.

My daughter has had all the liberal bs pumped into her head through all the usual outlets. She is happy for the gays.... yay. I don't care. She and I talked about what I feel a marriage should be VS what it has become in our current society, and I'll try to convey my thoughts here if only to outline them for myself; Marriage is a PIA most days. I can't tell you how many times if I'd found my wife dead, it would have been the start to a good day... she has felt the same more times than I'd care to know. Some days, I still enjoy her company... in small doses, and sometimes a little longer. The fact is, marriage is the foundation of family, and family is stability in a POS world. Kids that grow up without both parents in the same home to give an over-all positive influence are at a disadvantage, IMO. Looking at our society today, I don't know how anyone could argue that point. In our vowels, I recall "for better or worse, till death us do part"...and I recall several times I thought things couldn't get any worse, and death didn't seem all that bad... but we are still together, and still honor those vowels, and we have two great kids that I believe will be great adults someday... people I can be proud to have had a hand in raising.

Being married, to me, is an agreement between KR and I that we will stay on the same team, for the most part, and do our very best to do our earthly duties for our family. I know for a fact, if we did not make this agreement over 20 years ago, one of us, or both, would have just kicked the whole deal aside during some of those darker days. Looking to the future, if we are lucky enough to live long enough to see our house become an empty nest, I imagine we will once again enjoy each other a bit more since our focus will not be so child-intensive. That's a guess of course...

I personally don't believe gays want the right to marry so they can legally make the kind of commitment my wife and I have made, and stuck to. I think they want the right to marry simply to feel it is a publicly accepted lifestyle...which to ME, it NEVER will be, but my opinion matters to no one but me, so I'll keep it to myself for the most part.

They way the court pushed this nonsense through, or even so it with enough priority to look at it, is troubling. But, like most everything else that seems to be going on in the world, everything seems the polar opposite of what I think it should be. Perhaps I'm a dying relic of thought, but that's OK, I'm still well armed enough to think however the heck I want!

And if whomever reads this nonsense does not agree with me, I'm OK with that. Don't think for a minute that I'll hate you because our thoughts differ, but don't make the mistake of thinking I care if you hate me because of mine. If any of us here feel we can't share our thoughts, why are we here?

Standing :smiley_clap:!!!!