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Sad Day For America


*Supporting Member*
I have not a problem with gays, they are free and can do as they wish. They are allowed their opinions as am I . They preach tolerance and equality and get yanked off when people disagree. Like I said I have no problem nor do I wish anything bad for them, but I to am an American and have the right (for now) to disagree and that don't make me or anyone else who disagrees some kind of monster.

You'd get "yanked off" as you say too if you had to go through life not feeling the same as everyone else and being put down because of it. Thank your lucky stars that you were born straight and have been accepted by society. You do have the right to an opinion and I haven't seen anyone label you a monster. Have you ever been cornered by a bunch of gays and had your ass beat because you were straight? No, right? I'm so sick of reading the reasons people don't agree with gay rights.

People tiptoe around things and say they have no issues with gays just to be politically correct as gay bashing isn't accepted in society anymore, but inside they are hate mongering bigots.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
How about if they start forcing religious institutions to start paying some damn taxes? I'm all for that as I don't believe in god or organized religion.
That is something for another thread and I have no issue with it.
You'd get "yanked off" as you say too if you had to go through life not feeling the same as everyone else and being put down because of it. Thank your lucky stars that you were born straight and have been accepted by society. You do have the right to an opinion and I haven't seen anyone label you a monster. Have you ever been cornered by a bunch of gays and had your ass beat because you were straight? No, right? I'm so sick of reading the reasons people don't agree with gay rights.

People tiptoe around things and say they have no issues with gays just to be politically correct as gay bashing isn't accepted in society anymore, but inside they are hate mongering bigots.

Nope! I have never had my ass beat for being straight, nor have I beat anyone's ass for being gay. I'm just voicing my opinion, you are putting words into my mouth. That's what I'm talking about. I disagree with you and you call me a hate mongering bigot. Political correctness has nothing to do with it as I am not running for office. I'm just voicing my opinion and if you don't agree that's fine.


*Supporting Member*
People tiptoe around things and say they have no issues with gays just to be politically correct as gay bashing isn't accepted in society anymore, but inside they are hate mongering bigots.


I don't ever say a damn thing just to be politically correct.
To me, gay marriage isn't exactly the issue. It's more like .... just how far are things going to go? I've known preachers that refuse to perform weddings unless both people are saved. I don't have a problem with that, simply go to a different preacher if your views differ.
But I'm waiting to see how much ruckus is going to be raised when one preacher refuses to perform a gay marriage.
I'm betting, a huge stink will be raised, rather than just seeking someone else out to perform it. I'm basing this on recent events of bakeries, etc.
Guess time will tell, huh?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
This will be just the start. With the Judicial acting as the Legislative I am waiting to watch Rome burn. 18 trillion in debt and the only thing our three branches can get done is gay marriage and more entitlements.

Churches and the 2nd amendment are next.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
How about if they start forcing religious institutions to start paying some damn taxes? I'm all for that as I don't believe in god or organized religion.
Well then every "charity" should have to also. No entity does more for people than churches. You could add up ALL the charities of all time and I bet they dont touch just the Catholics. I don't mind them paying taxes but then so should NAACP, Planned Parenthood, United Way, etc...


*Supporting Member*
Nope! I have never had my ass beat for being straight, nor have I beat anyone's ass for being gay. I'm just voicing my opinion, you are putting words into my mouth. That's what I'm talking about. I disagree with you and you call me a hate mongering bigot. Political correctness has nothing to do with it as I am not running for office. I'm just voicing my opinion and if you don't agree that's fine.

I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I was trying to make a point that most gay people have put up with enough bullshit in their lives that they have the right to speak up for themselves. To a lot of people this means they are disagreeing them and they have no right to be mad. At what point are they allowed to fire back without society accusing them of shoving their beliefs down other's throats I think they have every right to be mad, and by the way I didn't call anyone anything.


*Supporting Member*
Well then every "charity" should have to also. No entity does more for people than churches. You could add up ALL the charities of all time and I bet they dont touch just the Catholics. I don't mind them paying taxes but then so should NAACP, Planned Parenthood, United Way, etc...

And nothing in history has caused more bloodshed than religion.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
And nothing in history has caused more bloodshed than religion.
That has no bearing on tax status...today...in the US.

Man caused wars. Many were not truly a religious issue but an excuse to gain power for individuals.

I can see how many have a slight against organized religion but it doesn't change facts. Either the Churches get it just like all other charities or charitable status goes away completely.

Giving to any charity is our/your choice (except forced entitlement payouts by the .gov). Singling out churches...why?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sensitive subject. If we're going to debate it though let's try to realize that nobody is right here. We all have our reasons for thinking this or that, and we can all argue until we're blue in the face and likely won't make any headway. I guess I'm just saying respect each others opinion for what it is.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Ok. We all have a right to an opinion here on this sensitive subject. If we're going to debate it though let's try to realize that nobody is right here. We all have our reasons for thinking this or that and we can argue until we're blue in the face and not make any headway. I guess I'm just saying respect each others opinion for what it is.

Yup! :smiley_clap:


*Supporting Member*
You know what, none of you agree with me and that's fine. I've said before I shouldn't post here anymore, I think it's time again. Thank you all who have been there for us. There's a lot of goodness on this site, and we appreciate all that has been done for us.
