For some reason, this site isn't saving my username and password. Every time I go away and come back, it doesn't log me in. All my other sites are still storing the info, this one isn't. Anyone else having this issue.
I just went and looked at the ticket that others had submitted with Vbulletin about the same issue.. I think I have a fix... We'll see tonight..
Mine did that once, but then it went away.
Just click on something.. You're logged in.. It just shows that you aren't when you first arrive.. Click on anything forum / new post etc and tada.. Broke? yes.. It's a vbulletin issue.. I dug into it before and can't remember what the fix was...
Are you typing the WWW before the url or not?
Try it both with and without the www and let me know...
No joy, Joe. Still not keeping it. Still not a huge issue, just slightly annoying.
I just had to login again...